Chapter 3 - I Don't Party

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Classes were finally over and I met up with felix so that he could give me a ride home as he always does.

I open the car door but someone slams it shut and leens on the car.

He had really bautiful, healthy jet black hair and his facial features were soft but he looked really scary. "seonghwa, get of my car and let yuri inside" felix says getting out the car, "we made a deal that yuri is apart of ateez now, so I'll be taking her home" he said calmly grabbing my bag from the back seat. "you have to be kidding me" felix snaps rushing towards seonghwa, ready to start another fight.

I get in between felix and seonghwa trying to stop whatever fight the two men were about to have. "felix its okay, bangchan did make a deal with them, just don't start anything again, please" I say turning in the direction of seonghwa, "we going" I ask and he takes my bag and leads me away from a disappointed felix.


"I have no idea how you manage with a prick like him" seonghwa said leeding me out the schools parking lot. "felix is a good person, that's why and where are we going, this isn't the direction to my house". I try to pull seonghwa in the right direction but he doesn't move.

"ill take you home later, ateez are having a party and since your one of us, your invited" he says giggling and I gasp. "seonghwa I can't, I'm not all about that party life" I say not moving an inch from where I was standing when he told me about the party. Seonghwa stops and turns around to face me.

"your parents aren't home, right" he asks and I nod yes to his question, "exactly, so come join the party, get drunk and ill get you home safe, I promise". Seonghwa trys to grab my hand to pull me to the party but I step back. "but you'll get drunk too, you won't even be able to walk to get me home" he giggles and grabs my hand lightly. I didn't know seonghwa can be so gental. "I won't get drunk cause I have a pretty girl to take home, come on it'll be fun" I smile and we both walk together towards the party.


"hey guys, guess who I baught with me" seonghwa yells when going inside a garage. They were all smoking and drinking, There where blue coloured led light all around the room.

"YURI!!" they all scream, standing up to great me. "what is she doing here" I see kyungmi speak whilst being all over hongjoong, "I told you about the deal babe, she's with us now" hongjoong answers his girlfriend, "right" kyungmi replys giving me a faking smile and walking off to get more drinks for her and hongjoong.

"just stick with me" seonghwa says passing me a glass of vodka with coke, "if it's to strong I can make you a weaker one" seonghwa says looking at me, waiting for me to try it.

I take a sip of the drink trying not to pull a face becuase it was nasty. "no need it's all good" I say with a big fake smile towards seonghwa.


It's been 2 hours and I had over 4 glasses of vodka and 2 shots of whiskey. Seonghwa excused himself to go to the bathroom and surprisingly he kept his promise and didn't drink.

"you look lonely" a pretty blonde boy says taking a seat next to me, "well I'm not" I say and he giggles. "you want one more drink" he says taking my cup whilst i nod.

"yeosang, she had enough to drink" seonghwa says and I pout at him, "you always have to ruin the fun" yeosang says placing my cup down. "hey Mirea, you wanna do shots" yeosang yells at Mirea and he picks up two shot glasses to bring over to her.

"sorry about him, yeosang gets really social when he's drunk" seonghwa says passing me a bottle of water.

"you wanted me to get drunk, so why are you passing me water" I say reaching out for a vodka bottle but he pushes my hand away. "I should take you home yuri". Seonghwa garbs my hand trying to pull me away from the party.

I pout at him. "seonghwa, please just one drink" seonghwa takes a deep breath, like if trying to not get angry with me. "okay one more drink".

It's been another 2 hours and I had 5 more drinks, i think seonghwa had enough of me flirting with san and decided to grab my wrist and drag me to the bathroom.

"you were supposed to have one more drink not 5" he says annoyed with me and I felt really bad but also really sick.

"I'm sorry" I say not being able to look at him, "come ill take you home" he was about to grab my hand and take me home but I threw up straight into the toilet disgusted and disappointed in myself.

Seonghwa grabs my hair and rubs my back whilst I throw up all the poisen I have drunk. "maybe partying really isn't for you" he laughs passing me water and a tissue when I finally finished throwing up.


It's been a silent 1 hour walk to my house, "thank you for keeping your promise seonghwa" I say giving him a hug which he returns wrapping his hands around me tightly. "do you need help getting into bed" he says and I nod my head for no.

All this felt kind of weird, stray kids would always say so much bad about them, but Thier actually really nice people.

"good night yuri, ill see you tomorrow" he says walking away waving his hand, "goodnight" I say walking into my empty house.

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