Chapter 39 - Love Octagon

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Yuris pov:

"all of them have a crush on you" soobin said, making me chock on air and laugh at his stupid joke.

"your not funny" I said harshly, about to walk off but he spoke again. "im telling the truth, ask them about it" he said, walking away and leaving me, lost in my thoughts.

I was stood there, in the middle of the path way as strangers stared at me when walking by. I was lost in my thoughts, was it true what soobin said? I don't have the heart to pick, I can't break Thier hearts, what do I do?

"yuri" i heard someone call my name which made me jump back into reality.

"god felix, you startled me" I said, placing my hand on my chest, feeling my heart beat decrease by a little.

"how are you" felix asked Slowly strolling beside me as I walked in the direction of my house.

"I'm good, how was the meeting with ateez" I asked, seeing as he was a little drunk.

He laughed, stumbling a little, but quickly gaining his balance. "yeosang wasn't there, so we decided to drink" he said and I giggled, "I can't tell".


It was the next day and I was in the cafeteria with ateez, over thinking about yesterday.

"I feel like my brains about to explode" mingi said, hiding his face in his arms. "shouldn't have drunk so much" Yunho commented, patting his friends back as yunho himself had a terrible hangover.

I however, was paying no attention to them as soobins words repeated in my head, 'they all have a crush on you'.

"yuri, yuri... Yuri are you okay" I heard san say as he threw his empty banana milk carton at me, to snap me back into reality.

"huh.... Yeah, I'm - I'm fine" I answered, looking at san and giving him a small smile. "I don't believe you" he replyed taking a bite of his green apple.

"oh no, yuris lieing to us" hongjoong added as he placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it lightly.

I sighed, hiding my face in my palms. "I'm just thinking" I muttered, hoping that they'll leave me alone, but they didn't.

"about what" hongjoong asked, taking my hands away from my face and placing them on the table.

I was thinking deeply about what I could tell them so that they wouldn't find out about my talk with soobin.

"come on, tell us" wooyoung said, jumping up and down in his chair and San grabbed his friends shoulders, trying to keep wooyoung calm.

I took a deep breath and lied as I said...

"a crush".

They all screamed like little girls and yeosang slammed his book on the table as they all 'awwwwed' and 'oooooooed'.

"who's the lucky boy" mingi asked with heart eyes as he stared into my soul for any sort of clue. "I'm not telling you" I said laughing at Thier funny reactions.

"it's probably me" wooyoung said, trying to flick his hair, making the boys laugh histerically. "you have a girlfriend" I said, giggling.

All the boys laughed and talked about my mysterious crush whilst I sat there, hating myself for lieng to them. I couldn't bare asking them for the truth, especially if the answer would be what soobin told me. I was lost in my thoughts, that I didn't realise when a single tear slowly made its way down my cheek.


Seonghwas pov:

Lessons where over so me and yunho were walking home together. I was slowly following behind, enjoying the sun rays hitting my face and looking at the beautiful cherry blossom trees as the petals lightly fell around me.

"why are you so slow" Yunho yelled as he stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at me.

"I'm sorry, I just can't stop thinking about yuris crush" I replyed as I carried on walking with my tall friend.

"you think she has a crush on one of us" Yunho questioned as he looked up at the sky and then back down at me.

"I hope so... If not, I wonder who" I said looking down at the path way which was covered in pretty, light pink petals.

"what if its felix" Yunho mentioned as he pointed to the blonde boy who was sitting on a bench with hyunjin.

"I don't think so, him and yuri are childhood best friends" I said, looking at his amazing features, telling myself that yuri wouldn't like him, but it was impossible as anyone would fall for a handsome guy like Lee Felix.

"who ever it is, I hope they'll treat her right" I said as I picked up my pace, leaving yunho behind me.

Yuris pov:

"I'm so stupid" I yelled at myself as I threw my body on to my bed and screamed into my pillow. "ahhh, why did I lie to them like that" I said, punching my pillow.

"honey, is everything okay" my mum yelled from downstairs. "yes mum" I yelled back, getting of my bed and going downstairs to sit with my perants.

I made my way to the kitchen and I was about to make myself tea when my father spoke. "you should change sweetie, Mr. Kang invited us for dinner".

I chocked on air when I heard what my father said. Dinner with yeosang, when I lied to him and found out he might have a crush on me. Not good!


I was standing outside Mr. Kangs door, wearing a gorgeous caramel coloured dress which was short and tight on my figure. My hair was put up in a messy bun and I had nice, natural make up.

"ahh, jinseok, wonyoung, come in" Mr. Kang said, bowing and letting us inside the stunning mansion, which was really modern, consisting of the colours gray, black and emerald green.

"please take a seat, my son will be here soon" Mr. Kang said motioning for us to take a seat in the living room.

A couple of minutes passed and yeosang walked into the living room bowing and greating my parents, which they kindly returned. "hello yuri" he said with a bright smile, bowing which I returned.

I was sad seeing yeosang, knowing that I lied to him today but, he looked so elegant and hot in the black taxideo he was wearing and his blonde mullet which was put up into a small pony tail, looked gorgeous on him.

"please take a seat in the dinning room, the food should be done shortly" yeosang said as my perants made Thier way to the dinning room and I stayed behind, mesmerised by yeosangs stunning looks

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"please take a seat in the dinning room, the food should be done shortly" yeosang said as my perants made Thier way to the dinning room and I stayed behind, mesmerised by yeosangs stunning looks.

"is everything okay" he asked, walking up to me and I blushed, letting out a small giggle when I saw him so close to me.

"yeah, you just look really good today" I replyed and yeosang let out a small giggle as he grabbed my hand and led me to the dinning room.

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