Chapter 28 - How I'm Dealing Without You

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Yuris pov:

It's been a month since the situation with wooyoung and seonghwa. I aslo haven't spoken to them since. Me and yeonjun became the best of friends and soobin actually asked me out and we've been dating for 3 weeks.

It was lunch and i was in the cafeteria sitting next to my boyfriend. "you keep on looking at them, do you miss them" I heard Kai ask, snapping me back into reality. "yeah, a little bit" I said as I looked back at the table where seonghwa was missing from, for a couple of days now.

"baby, they were the ones that decided to lose you, don't show them that you miss them" soobin said, cupping my cheek and kissing my forehead, but no matter how hard I tryed not to look, I couldn't keep my eyes of them.

Soobins pov:

I took yuri to her music class and I quickly met up with kyungmi in an alley way outside the schools parking lot.

"How's the plan going" I heard a girl say whilst she lightly rubbed my back. I turned around and kissed her roughly as I missed her taste. I pulled away and answered her question.

"it's going great, me and yuri are dating" I said and a huge smile creeped up on her face.

"keep going and soon she'll be gone" she said as she smacked her lips on mine and left to make it to her lesson.


Yunhos pov:

Classes where over and I was standing outside my neighbours door, debating on whether I should check up on him or not.

I haven't heard from seonghwa for over a week now and I was afraid that he could have badly injured himself.

Seonghwa's pov:

'knock knock'.

I heard someone knocking on my door but, I didn't move a single muscle of my couch. I didn't want to see anyone, I didn't want to socialise with anyone, I wanted to be alone.

"seonghwa" I heard yunho speak from the other side of the door, "please speak to me, I'm worried about you" he added, causing a single tear to cut my cheek, but I didn't say a thing.

"Seonghwa, please, just tell me your alright". I heard him cry and even that didn't help me open the door. I was hurting my friends and I didn't even care.

I slowly got up of the couch and made my way to the door, sitting down and leaning my back on it.

"I lost her yunho, I can't deal with it, we were supposed to protect her" I said, cuddling my knees and crying silently so that yunho doesn't hear me.

"we'll g - get her ba.. Back" he stuttered in between his cryes and it shattered my heart to hear him like this. "please come back to school" he added, lightly tapping on the door.

"I'll try" I replyed, slowly getting up and making my way to to my lonely, dark room.


San's pov:

Me and the boys arrived at school 20 minutes early so we decided to chill for a little in the parking lot.

"ugh! I want to drink, it's so boring without yuri" Mingi complained, throwing his hands dramatically in the air.

"you literally drunk yesterday" I said, patting his back. "I'm supprised he doesn't have a hangover" the maknea said to his older friend. "Jongho trust me, I have a hangover" Mingi replyed as we all laughed and the blue haired boy.

"SEONGHWA" Yunho screamed as he run to our black haired friend, hugging him so tight he probably couldn't breath.

"yunho... I can't... Breath" he said, taking in big breath when Yunho let him go. "it's good to see you" Hongjoong said hugging seonghwa until we had to make our ways into class.


Sorry for such a short chapter. I didn't know what else to write for this one. <3

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