Chapter 45 - Stop Fixing My Problems

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I was about to enter the schools parking lot when I felt someone pull my hair and throw me to the ground.

"you and seonghwa are a little to close don't you think" I heard a female voice say harshly.

I tryed to get up but I got pushed back down by beomgyu. "seriously Mirea, your that jealous" I said as I rolled my eyes at this stupid situation.

"of course she is, you've taken everything away from us" kyungmi said as she grabbed my coller and pulled me closer to her face. I looked at her trying not to laugh becuase her nose was all plastered up.

"Mirea is going to see seonghwa today and you better not be there" kyungmi smirked as she let go of me and pushed me to the ground.

I was about to stand up when I saw a hand hovering over my face. I grabbed it and got up, picking up some of my books and putting them in my bag.

"I'm surprised you didn't knock her out" yeosang said as he passed me one of my books. "that was yesterday, I was angry" I muttered and started walking to class with him following not far behind me.

"I'm worried about you" he said as he grabbed my shoulder to stop me from running of to class.

"don't be, I'm just going through some stuff" I said as I took his hand of my shoulder and walked into my maths class.


I was sitting next to hongjoong and yunho, eating my kimchi and not paying attention to the boys.

"I was going to clean up his house for until he leaves the hospital" I heard yunho say to which the others replyed with head nods and 'okays'.

"yuri, do you want to come drink with us" yeosang asked and I replyed with an instant "no".

"your seeing seonghwa again, arnt you" Jongho asked and I nodded as I wasn't going to let Mirea and kyungmi keep me away from my friend.

"I'm going home" I said, getting up from my chair and grabbing my bag. "what about music" mingi yelled over to me as I replyed with a "I can't be asked".


I was in my room, getting changed into some comfy clothes, getting ready to go see seonghwa at the hospital. I prepared him some nice warm chamomile tea with a side of kimchi and some mochi for dessert.

When I arrived, a female voice spoke from inside his room. "please eat you must be hungry".

"thank you Mirea, but I'm really not hungry" I heard seonghwa say, which made me look down at the food that I prepared for him and me.

Seonghwa's pov:

"oh okay, I'll just leave it here for you to eat later" Mirea said, putting the food on the night stand.

"Mirea, shouldn't you be in school" I asked as I looked at her blank expression. "yeah I should, but I just wanted to come and see you" she said as she placed a hand on mine, making me regret being alive at that moment.

"I would like to rest, if thats okay with you" I asked, wanting her to leave me in peace as her loud voice made my head hurt.

"oh yeah, of course" she said as she got up from her chair and left, but she stopped at the door, looking blankly at someone who was outside.

Mirea rolled her eyes and left, letting the mysterious person inside my room. I smirked as I saw her walk in with a bag of food. "another one skipping school for me" I laughed as she took a seat on the chair next to me.

"shut up romeo, schools boring withought you" she said as she placed her bag of food on the night stand, grabbing mireas and throwing it in the bin. "your not eating that, I made you some chamomile tea, with kimchi and mochi for dessert".

I looked at her and let out a small giggle grabbing the food and enjoying it with her. "I'm getting let out tomorrow" I said as I took a sip of the tea. "I want you to stay in school tomorrow" I added as I looked at her with a serious expression.

"your killing me park seonghwa, but fine".


Yuri pov:

"are you going to stay in school or are you skipping again" san asked as we walked to school together, enjoying the cold wind hit our skin.

"I'm staying today" I said with a small smile. "seonghwa made you, didn't he" san said, letting out a small giggle and I turned my gaze up to the sky. "yeah" I replyed as I let my head move from the sky to San.

"I just hope that no one will ruin this day for me" I mentioned making san look at me with wide eyes and a sad expression.

"we'll free ourselves from soobin and kyungmi one day, i promise" he said as he placed a hand on my back and rubbed in reassuringly.

"look who's here" we heard someone say from behind us. Me and san turned around to look at the person who spoke, to see no other then kyungmi, soobin and thier friends right infornt of us.

"get behind me" san muttered, lightly moving my body to stand behind his tall figure.

The 8 enemies in front of us started laughing at sans reaction to seeing them. "we're not that cruel" soobin said, keeping intense eye contact with san.

"you 8 need to learn how to leave us alone" san yelled with authority, but they just laughed at him.

"Sannie, just move out the way, Kyungmi needs to talk to Yuri" soobin authorised, but san didn't budge meaning that something bad will happen.


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