Chapter 11 - Annoying Little B*tch

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Yuri's pov:

It's been two days since yunho started avoiding me but I decided to not ask about it and give him the space he needs.

"how are you doing" yeosang asked me walking me in the direction of my maths class. "I'm okay, I think" I say looking down at the floor, "yunho will get over it" yeosang says placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "i hope he will".


I enter my math class immediately getting greated by a happy san and wooyoung.

"yuri, yuri, yuri" wooyoung repeated himself jumping up and down. "what" I answered giggling at the hyper child in front of me. "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out with me and san after class's" wooyoung says.

San had to calm his friend down because of how loud he was. "he's bringing Minnie, it's kinda like a double date but me and you will go as friends, in case you wanna go as my date" he says letting out a cute giggle and I playfully punched his shoulder. "as friends sanii, only as friends" I giggle and he nods giving me a tight side hug.


The lesson finished and me, san and wooyoung were making our way to the cafeteria to meet the others as it was break.

I walk into the cafeteria to see someone sitting next to hongjoong, someone I didn't want to see. I sat in between wooyoung and Jongho, staring down kyungmi and her two friends Sanghee and Mirea.

"hi yuri, how are you" Kyungmi says putting on a 'oh I like yuri' show in front of her boyfriend. "I'm good" I say sarcastically and she smirks clearly annoyed by my presence.

"hi wooyoung" sanghee said walking behind him and massaging his shoulders which caused him to let out a silent moan which only i sadly heard.

"yuri, is it alright if I talk to you, i have a question about English" kyungmi said and I nod walking out of the cafeteria with her.


I felt my cheek burn, the sudden hit of her palm colliding with my face sent a burst of heat running through my body. "go home yuri, I want to spend time with my boyfriend and your presence is ruinning it" she said with anger.

"I have lessons" I mutter afraid of getting on her nerves, "ill tell the teacher and the boys you felt sick, now leave" she said raising her hand threating to hit me again.

I take a step back nodding to let her know that I'll leave and I run of towards the exit of the school.


Hongjoong's pov:

I saw kyungmi coming back but withought yuri. I was about to ask were she was but someone beat me to it. "where's yuri" seonghwa asked looking at kyungmi with confusion.

"she felt sick so she went home" kyungmi responded and yunho smirked, "you sure, maybe she got to used to skipping lessons" he laughed and wooyoung smacked him round the head. "she wouldn't because she was going to hang out with me and san after classes" wooyoung exclaims and Sanghee looked a little annoyed which I found funny.

"me and woo will go check on her after classes and we'll let you know how she's doing" San says and we all nod.


Yuri's pov:

I was at home in my living room watching crash landing on you when I heard a knock on my door.

"surprise" wooyoung yells which earned himself a smack from san. "kyungmi said you weren't feeling good, so we wanted to check up on you" san says giving me a friendly hug.

"I just had a small headache, but I'm better now" I giggle letting them come in the house. "you guys still down for the double date" I ask and the two boys look at each other then back at me. "are you sure, you felt sick, we can move it to tomorrow" san says placing his hand on my shoulder. "yes I'm sure we should go have fun" I say taking Sans and wooyoungs hands and pulling them out the house.


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