Chapter 37 - What's Coming Next

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Hongjoong pov:

I was on my way to class, when I spotted two people, a male and a female on the floor unconscious.

The male had blonde, damp hair and there was a book next to him, which i remember yeosang reading. The female had nice, long brown hair, which covered her face. Every step I took closer to them, the more familiar they started to look.

"yeosang, yuri" I yelled, running over to yeosang as he looked the most hurt. I took out my phone and called seonghwa to tell him to meet me with the others.

"yeosang, come on wake up" I said, lightly moving his head so that he could face me.

I was petrified, he was covered in blood and bruises, there was blood coming out of his mouth and his eyes were barely open.

"what happened" wooyoung yelled, running in my direction with the others behind him. "where's yunho" I said, still holding yeosang in my arms whilst Mingi run over to check on yuri.

"he went to get a teacher" Jongho replyed. "wh-wheres... Y-yuri" I heard a weak and quite voice say.

"she's okay yeosang, everything's okay" I answered as I stroked his hair and let out a tear from the pain I felt, seeing my two friends like this.

Yuris pov:

I woke up in the infermary with 7 boys by my side. I was confused, but mostly worried as I couldn't see yeosang in the infermary with me.

"where's yeosang" I asked, jumping out of the bed, but wooyoung grabbed my shoulders, sitting me back down.

"the first aid lady said you should rest" he said, letting go of me and walking back to his seat.

"yeosangs at the hospital" hongjoong said with a single tear falling down his cheek.

I looked at him with disbelief, tears kept cutting my cheeks and I felt like I couldn't breath.

"I tryed to stop him, its all my fault" I muttered to myself, keeping my head low. "it's not your fault yuri" hongjoong said as he cupped my face and made me look up at him.

"now tell me, is the principal going to do something about it" I asked, looking deeply into hongjoong lifeless eyes.

"no, the schools gets funded by soobin perants, the principal is to scared to do something about it" he answered, letting his hands fall of my face.

"I just can't believe soobin hurt you like that" wooyoung snapped. "well... It wasn't only him" I answered and all eyes went on me.

"who hurt you" hongjoong said in a low and scary tone, looking right at me with evil in his eyes.

I sat there in silence, to scared to tell him the truth, but I knew it was finally time.

"yuri tell us, please" Jongho added, as a tear fell down his rosie cheek. "it... It was kyungmi" I said and hongjoong punched the yellow coloured wall, making me jump.

"I fucking new it, that bitch" he yelled, looking angry to the point I was a little scared of him.

"hongjoong please just dont do anything stupid" I pleaded, grabbing his hand and rubbing it with my thumb.

"boys, you should go to your next class, Miss. Chang needs to rest" the first aid lady said as she entered the room.

"of course" hongjoong replyed bowing as he let go of my hand and made his was to the exit. "ill se you after school and we'll go visit yeosang" he said leaving with the others.


Me and the boys where at the hospital waiting for a doctor to let us speak to yeosang. "you may go and see Mr. Kang now" I heard the doctor say and I run into the room not waiting for the others.

"yuri wait" I heard hongjoong say, so I turned around and faced my 7 friends. "go in and talk to him, we'll see him later" hongjoong mentioned and I nodded, walking into the room.

I walked into yeosangs room and I saw him reading the book he once read to me in the library.

"it's a great book, isn't it" I said with a smile on my face as I sat down next to his bed.

"thank god your okay" he said, placing down his book on the night stand. "I was so worried when you weren't replying to me back there" he said, taking my hand and interlocking it with his.

"don't worry about me" I said rubbing my thumb lightly on his hand.

"where are the others" yeosang asked. "Thier waiting outside, they wanted to give us some time to talk" I replyed with a smile.


Me and the boys had to get going back and hongjoong offered to give me a ride back to mine.

"you still look worried, he'll be back on his feet in 2 days" hongjoong said, giving me a quick smile and placing his eyes back on the road.

"it's not that, I'm just worried about what they'll do next" I replyed, looking out the window.

"well we're here princess" hongjoong said, stopping the car outside my house. I unbuckled my seat belt and excited the car.

"goodnight" I said as I closed his car door and left.

I walked inside and turned on the light as I took of my shoes. "looks like mum and dad arnt home again" I sighed, walking up to my room.

I placed myself in bed and I looked at my phone.


I hope your feeling better

I am, thank you

Why arnt you alseep

I wanted to check up on
you first

I'll go to sleep now

Goodnight yeosang

Goodnight ❤️


I turned my phone off and placed it on my night stand. "I promise to protect you next time, I'm sorry yeosang" I said as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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