Chapter 50 - Thank U

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Yuris pov:

I was walking back home with seonghwa by my side. The sun nicely shone on our skin and the beauty of the world in front of me looked ten times more pleasant to look at.


"would you like something to drink" I asked seonghwa as we entered my house. He nodded and I made my way to the kitchen to pour him and I some juice.

Me and seonghwa walked up to my room, placing down our drinks on my night stand and taking a seat on my bed.

"you remember the song I was working on" I said as I stood up and walked over to my desk, picking up the sheets of paper.

"yeah of course I do, me and the boys are so excited to hear it" he replyed as he looked down at the papers in my hand.

"well, I finished it" I mentioned with a bright smile as I put the lyrics down on my night stand and prapered my keyboard.

"that's good, let me call the others" he said, taking his phone out his pocket but, I stopped him causing him to look at me confused.

"ill show them the song too... But, I want you to be the first one to hear it" I said, looking into his deep brown eyes. Seonghwa put his phone away and pat the spot next to him in a way of telling me to proceed with my speech.

"Mingi told me to write the song with a specific meaning, like about... Love" I said, looking at the lyrics on my night stand, then back at seonghwa as he proceeded to nod. "and that's what I did, I wrote the song about someone I love and care about" I added as my body started to shake from the panic that slowly built up in my brain.

"so, who is it about" he asked and I looked down at my trembling hands as I was scared and paniced to tell him about everything I felt.

"it's called Thank u, becuase I don't like to talk about my feelings so I put them in a song... for you" I replyed as I slowly lifted my head to see a bright smile plastered on his face.

I got up from my bed and made my way over to the keyboard with the songs lyrics in my hand. I sat down on the chair, placing down the musical sheets and I let my hands move magically on the keys as they played a beautiful tune.

Seonghwa's pov:

I listened carefully as her voice filled the room. I got up and walked over to her as I watched her fingers press on the keys that created an angelic melody.

Tears filled my eyes as each word she sang, held a special meaning in my heart, that only I could understand.

I sat down beside her, swaying left and right to the beat of the stunning song yuri wrote for me. A massive smile appeared on my face as tears of joy fell down my cheeks and onto the keys of the keyboard.

The song came to an end and I could do nothing but look at her with surprise and happiness as she slowly turned to look at me.

"it was beautiful, thank you" I muttered as a single tear found its way down my cheeks. A bright smile formed on her face as she whipped the tears away, rubbing my cheek with her thumb.

"I don't know where I would be withought you seonghwa" she muttered and a blush formed on my face causing her to let out a cute giggle.

I was staring deeply into her sparkling, brown eyes as the lyrics of the song she sang replayed in my head.

"I love you" I whispered and a small smile appeared on her face causing me a bit of shock.

She cupped my cheek and I let myself sink into her warm touch as she placed a soft kiss on my nose, making my heart skip a beat.

"i like you Park Seonghwa" she muttered and a bright smile laced my lips as hers made their way onto mine.

I smiled into the kiss as I couldn't believe this was really happening, but the my mind got clouded by my 7 brothers that also love her as much as I do.


"Park seonghwa, don't you look really happy today" Jongho said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I wanted to tell him everything, every detail of what happened to me yesterday, but I couldn't break his heart.

"I am really happy today" I said with a huge smile on my face as I walked with the maknae to the cafeteria.

Yuris pov:

I was sitting in between yunho and Mingi, when I saw seonghwa and Jongho entering the cafeteria and seonghwa took a seat next to hongjoong and Jongho.

"okay, what the hell, your also happy" Jongho said with a surprised look as he looked at me. "you and seonghwa are usually... Depressed" he added causing laughter to erupt on our table.

"I finished my song, that's why I'm happy" I said looking over at seonghwa who was turning red.

"Oh my, seonghwa, why are you so red" Yunho said, passing the oldest friend a cold bottle of water.

Seonghwa took the bottle of water, taking a sip then looking at me causing my heart to beat faster and a massive smile to form on my face.

"you two are wierd" wooyoung said with a disgusted look as he looked at both of us.

"anyways, we should all hang out today, i don't remember the last time we all spent time together" wooyoung added causing our captain to nod at him with agreement.

"yeah, and we could also hear yuris song in the mean time" mingi said, jumping up and down on his chair.

"so we'll have to go back to mine at some point" I mentioned, to which all the boys nodded in excitement.

"what is the song called" yeosang asked and all the boys concentrated their gaze on me to hear the answer.

"it's called Thank u, I wrote it for a special someone" I said with a small smile as I looked over at seonghwa who was also looking at me.

"she definitely wrote it for me" wooyoung said with a proud smile as he stood up, pointing his index finger at himself.

"you wish princess" i said causing the oreo haired boy to sit back down. "but i am special" he muttered with a pout causing us to burst out laughing.


So she fell for seonghwa :)

We're almost at the end of opsession :(

What do you think will happen in the next chapter <3

4 chapters left :(

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