Chapter 32 - The Truth Pt.2

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A/N: The flashbacks are the memories not what they are telling yuri.

Yeosangs pov:

"they always made fun of us, called us weak, pushed us around like some toys" I said looking at yuri, fiddling with the silver ring I wore on my thumb.

"they made fun of you specifically, didn't they" she asked, looking at the cup of water which was placed on the coffee table.

"he was a nerd, of course they did" han said, getting stared down by hongjoong for making fun of yeosang's past.

Yeosang's flashback:

"awww, nerd lost his friends" I heard beomgyu say whilst I walked through the corridor's of the school. "hey, I'm speaking to you" he yelled and I felt myself getting thrown at a locker, causing my books to fall out of my hands.

"ewww, romance, seriously nerd" soobin said, picking up my book and looking at it with disgust.

"may i have it back please" I asked, trembling from fear that run through my body. "you want this, I don't think so".

Soobin ripped out the pages of the book one by one in front of my eyes, letting every single sheet fall onto the floor.

"have fun reading now nerd" he said laughing with his friends as beomgyu pushed me onto the floor.

End flashback:

"I was weak and scared then, but I'm stronger now" I said with a forced smile, trying to hide my pain. "stronger, but still obsessed with books" Jongho said making us all laugh.

"there's more to the story" Jongho said, going back to a stern expression.

Jongho's pov:

"yeonjun" jeongin said, causing confusion to show in yuris eyes. "what about him" she asked, tilting her head ever so slightly to the left.

"he used to be our friend, but txt got jelouse and they forced him to join them" I responded taking out my phone and showing her a picture of me and him.

Jongho's flaskback:

"hey Jongho" yeonjun said as he took a seat next to me on a bench. "hey what's wrong, you look sad" I asked, rubbing his back to comfort him.

"I need to tell you something" he muttered with sadness in his voice, not taking his eyes of a beautiful cherry blossom tree that was infornt of us.

"yeonjun, what's wrong" I asked, looking at him with a serious expression.

"txt are forcing me to join them" he said, finally turning his head in my direction, tears falling down his cheeks. "and you agreed, didn't you" I said looking away as I buried my face in my hands.

"take a picture with me, so that you remember the good me" he said as I took out my phone and took the picture.

End flashback:

"they turned him into pure evil" Yunho mumbled, sniffling becuase of the tears that threatened to escape.

"he's not evil, he's not like them yunho" I yelled at him, looking down at the picture in my hands as a single tear drop fell on it.

Hongjoong's pov:

I took a deep breath, getting tierd of reciting yuri the past, but I knew it had to be done however, the more I talked about it, the more I wanted to break down and scream.

"becuase of them and the deal, I got with kyungmi, to become the populare Bad boy" I said, realising how much pain I caused myself becuase of a stupid deal.

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