Chapter 16 - Kang Yeosang

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Yeosang's pov:

I was peacefully reading a book in my bedroom when I got a phone call from my father.

"son, the Chang's are inviting us for dinner, I would love it if you joined". I heard him say, I let out a small sigh.

"hi dad, I'll be there, what time should I be at yours" I asked placing down my book. "be here around 7 so we could make it to the Chang's around 8" my dad answered hanging up.

I checked the time to see it was 5 so I had atleast 2 hours to get ready and make it to my father's house.

I took a nice warm shower to refresh myself but something hit me and panic started to consume my body.

I'll have to see yuri.


"hello Mr. And Miss. Chang" I say bowing politely and taking of my shoes. "what a beautiful house" my father said taking a look at the black grand piano that was placed in thier large white and black styled living room.

"yuri will come down soon, please take a seat" Mr. Chang said placing a hand on my shoulder and leeding me in the direction of the living room where my father already was still looking at the piano.

A couple of minutes have passed and yuri came down in a stunning silky cherry red dress, that was tight on her body, showing all her beautiful features.

"hello Mr. Kang, yeosang" she said bowing with a beautiful bright smile. "now that everyone is here, we should eat" Mrs. Chang said leading us all to the dinning room which was filled with tones of goodies and amazingly smelling food.


We were all seated enjoying our food and whilst the grown ups where talking about business, yuri quietly told me about what felix done to mingi yesterday.

"is he okay" I whisper taking a sip of my water, "he said he was but he was pretty badly beat up" she said playing with her food. "did you tell hongjoong" I asked quietly and she stopped what she was doing to look at me shocked. "no, hongjoong will just make the situation worse" she said and she had a point.

"enough of this conversation, I want to show you something" she said taking my hand and pulling me away from the dinning room and out of the house.


We were walking for an hour when we finally reached a hill which was filled with flowers and had a beautiful view of the city.

"I usually come her alone, but I wanted to show you my special place" she said sitting down on the grass and closing her eyes. I smile joining her on the grass, closing my eyes and feeling the breeze brush against my body.

"yeosang, why are you so shy around me" I heard her ask. My eyes shot open and my heart started racing. Truth is I don't know why I'm shy, yuri is beautiful, smart, talented, she's something any boy would want, maybe that's why I'm shy because I want her but I can't have her.

"I don't know, I act shy around a lot of people" I answer already feeling my cheeks heat up. "okay" was all I heard her say.


It was 9:30 and me and yuri were laying on the grass admiring all the sparkling stars in the sky.

"arnt they just pretty" she said and I could feel that she was smiling. I turned my head in her direction and she looked heavenly, like an angel and I wanted to tell her that, show her somehow, but I couldn't.

"so pretty like you" I whispered to myself but she must have heard me becuase her head turned in my direction. My cheeks must have been blood red when looking into her glowing brown eyes. She let out a cute melodic giggle and carried on looking at the stars.


It was 11:45 when we made it back you yuris house and out perants were already cleaning up.

"ahh, there you are, we where wondering were you two went" Mrs. Chang said sounding a little annoyed with us. "I'm sorry mum, we were just getting some fresh air" yuri said and her mum smiled. "it's okay, both of you can help clean" she said pointing us in the direction of the kitchen.

We were washing the dishes when it was time for me and my father to go
"thank you for having us" my father said bowing and I joined to be polite. "thank you yuri, I had fun" I whispered over to her, giving her a hug which she returned and leaving her house with a feeling for yuri i never thought I'd get... Love.


Please listen to eaj - pacman becuase this chapter really made me think of that song and I think it just fits in <3

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