Chapter 48 - Keep It You Liar

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"hello, I baught some chicken, kimchi, ooo and some rice boxs. Mines spicey, so don't eat that one, I also have some mochi and rice cakes" seonghwa spoke and I laughed letting him inside the house.

"yuri honey, who is it" my mother shouted from the kitchen, causing seonghwa to go completely pale.

"oh my god, I didn't know your parents are home" he panicked and a giggle escaped my lips. "it's okay, my parents would love to meet you" I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the kitchen to meet my family.

"mum, dad, this is Park Seonghwa, he's my good friend" I said with a bright smile on my face.

Seonghwa bowed to both my parents and they smiled at him, both returning the bows.

"it's a pleasure to meet you Mr and Mrs. Chang" he said as he bowed again, making my mother let out a quite laugh.

"you wouldn't mind if he stayed for a while, would you" I asked and my parents both agreed with small smiles on their faces.

I left the kitchen with seonghwa until I heard my dad shout... "make sure to use protection".

Embarrassment flushed my body as I stood frozen on the stairs and I could see seonghwa turn completely red.

"darling! Don't you listen to your father yuri, you two have fun" my mother yelled as me and seonghwa made our way to my room.

"your parents are sweet" seonghwa mentioned as he placed the bags of food down on my desk. "you don't mind if I use your bathroom" he added and I pointed to were the bathroom was located in my room. "no, of course, go ahead".

Seonghwa's pov:

I was about to leave the toilet and join yuri in her room when I noticed a small, silver object on the floor and it caught my attention.

As soon as I picked up the mysterious object, my eyes widened and my hands started to shake uncontrollably. I held the object in my hand as tears slowly started to form, fresh Crimson blood still stained the small, sharp weapon.

"you broke your promise" I whispered to myself as tears started to stain my cheeks. I fell to the floor as the razor slipped out of my hand and onto the carpet.

"seonghwa, are you okay in there" I heard yuri call out as she knocked on the door. "I'm fine, ill be out in a minute" I responded as calmly as possible.

I picked up the small razor and put it in my jackets pocket to make sure she doesn't use it again.

"sorry that I took so long" I said as I walked out the bathroom and walked over to yuri. "let's eat, I'm hungry" I added, taking a seat next to her on the bed and preparing the food for us to enjoy.


Yuris pov:

I was taking my time as I walked through the pretty, cherry blossom filled park. The sun shone in between the trees, causing all the rays to highlight specific features of the beautiful park.

"I wonder how's it like, having 9 men being In love with you" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to face the blonde male, rolling my eyes at his annoying behavior.

"what's your problem now hyunjin" I asked with annoyance laced in my voice. "can't i not have a break from this for one day" I added, taking a seat on a bench and burying my head in my hands from defeat.

A tear fell down my face until I felt someone rubbing my back. I let my hands fall to my laps as I saw hyunjin looking into the distance with his hand on my back.

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm just jelouse" he said as tears fell down his cheeks but a small smile showed up on his face.

"about what" I asked and he turned his head in my direction, keeping his eyes on me. "felix" he answered and I placed my gaze on the ground, feeling guilty for making felix fall in love with me.

"I didn't know" I muttered and hyunjin cupped my cheek, turning my head so that I could look at him.

"forgive me, for all the things I've done" he Cryed, letting his hand slip from my cheek and fall onto my hand which he lightly rubbed with his thumb.

"I know I shouldn't be asking for forgivnes, but I realised that I'll never get my happy ending, all I want is to make things right with you" I said as tears fell down his face.

A smile revealed itself on my lips as I whipped his tears away. "everyone deserves a happy ending, you'll get yours too" I muttered causing a small smile to show on his face and a giggle to escape his lips. "I forgive you" I added as I hugged him tightly.


"hello there princess" hongjoong spoke as I took a seat next to yeosang and mingi.

"hello there Prince" I responded causing the boys and my self to burst into laughter.

"is it just me or is it quite peaceful today" seonghwa voiced as he placed his head on yeosangs shoulder with a smile.

"don't say that cause your gonna jinx it and something bad will happen" yeosang complained, pushing the oldest's head of his shoulder.

"yuri" I heard a males voice say. "hi bangchan, and the rest of you" hongjoong said, smiling at them all.

"hyunjin told us everything that he has done to you" bangchan commented, causing the 8 other boys to look at me and stary kids with questioning.

"why didn't you tell any of us about this" felix asked, looking at me with a sad expression.

"I didn't want to worry you guys and anyways its okay, me and him are friends now" I answered, getting up from my chair and looking at stray kids with a smile.

"that doesn't matter, he got kicked out the group" banchan said with no sympathy or sadness in his voice.

"he was just jelouse, he didn't do anything wrong, come on you know him since you were little kids" I said taking both of chans hands and holding them in mine as my eyes began to water.

"what was he jelouse of" I heard Jongho ask and I turned around to face him, letting go of bangchans hands. "it's doesn't matter" I responded as I sat back down in my seat with tears threating to escape as yet again someone lost something becuase of me.

I'm sorry hyunjin...

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