Chapter 42 - Crimson Scars

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Disclaimer: this chapter contains self harm, if this subject is sensative to some readers please skip to chapter 43.


Yuris pov:

I was curled up, hugging my knees in the bathroom after wooyoung left. It has been a year since I became friends with the 8 boys and so much has happened in my life, that it's becoming hard for me to keep going.

Tears slowly fell down my cheek as all the happy memories I spent with the boys flooded my mind. I sat up on the cold floor and looked at the blood that dripped slowly down my wrist.

"what did you do yuri" I quietly muttered to myself as the crimson liquid stained my hoodie that contained jongho's sent.


It was lunch and i walked over to itzys table, taking a seat in between lia and yuna.

"you look like you haven't slept for days" yeji said and I slowly lifted my head to look at her with a dull and lifeless expression.

"hey girl, what's wrong" ryujin asked as she placed down her chopsticks, looking at me with a serious face and curious eyes.

"I'm okay, just tierd" I replyed, giving them a small, fake smile which they returned with big, bright ones.

Yunhos pov:

"how long do you think yuri will be avoiding us for" I asked as I glanced over at the table she was seated on.

I watched yuri as she played with her food. She wore such a sad facial expression. She looked lifeless and pale and her clothes were dark, not colourful pastel shades she used to love.

"I think she'll be avoiding us forever" mingi said as his bright smile fade into a sad one.

"don't say that" I snapped with a harsh tone. I looked over at her one last time before saying, "I hope she's okay".


Yuris pov:

I was all alone in my house as my parents were on a business trip again. I was in my bed, staring at the ceiling when my phone buzzed.


It's been long since we talked

I hope your doing okay
Read 8:39pm

I read the message with tears in my eyes, I couldn't bring myself to reply, so I put my phone on my night stand and got out of bed to burn my body under a nice warm shower.

The warm water felt nice as it hit my skin. My tears mixed with the hot water that found its way down my face. My crys got louder and more tears fell, the water started to no longer feel nice on my body as it caused a painful sensation.

I stood under the shower as the water no longer was transparent but represented the wine red colour of my blood.

When I finished my shower, I walked back to my room wearing my sweat pants and jongho's hoodie. I checked my phone to see it was spammed with messages of all 8 of my friends.



I'm worried about you

Please don't ignore me

Yuri I just want to know if your okay

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