Chapter 49 - This Is Getting Out Of Hand

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I was in my bathroom, terring it apart as I couldn't find something important.

"where is it" I yelled at myself as I threw my toiletries out the cabinets and onto the floor.

"FUCK!" I yelled, grabbing my hair and sitting down on the floor as tears fell down my cheek.

I got up of the floor and excited my bathroom, flopping my body on my bed as I screamed into my pillow. I sat up and looked over at my desk where the song I've worked on for days layed.

I got up from bed and slowly waked over to my desk, picking up the sheets of papers that the lyrics were written on.

Tears fell down my face and a scream escaped my mouth as I ripped the song apart and let all the pieces fall to the floor.

"Fuck you!" I screamed as I ripped more of the papers, making sure that there's nothing left of the song.

"to hell with this stupid song" I yelled at my self as my body fell to the floor.

"why you, why did I decided to write this song about you" I muttered as tears fell onto the small pieces of paper that I hated my self for ripping apart.


"hi yuri, how's the song going" mingi asked with excitement as I sat down next to yunho and wooyoung.

"it's going great" I replyed with a fake smile plastered on my face. "you look terrible" wooyoung commentesd, getting a smakck from San.

"thank you woo, I know, I'll be back soon, I'll just go to the toilet to sort myself out" I said and the others nodded, so I got up and left in the direction of the women's restroom.


"eww, you look ugly today" kyungmi said as she blocked the excit.

"kyungmi I understand that you hate me, but can't you just leave me alone for one day" I asked trying to open the door but she pushed me causing me to fall to the floor.

"soobins taking to long to do something about you and Im inpatient" she said kneeling down to my level and my eyes widened when I saw the sharp object in her hand.

"we can sort this out a different way kyungmi" I pleaded as my eyes watered and my hand become shaky.

"to late"...

She was about to stab me but she stopped herself as someone walked in, ruining her plan.

"oh god yuri! What the fuck, get off her" ryujin yelled, pushing kyungmi and helping me up of the floor.

"what the fuck is wrong with you" ryujin yelled, pulling my body behind her, so that I could be protected by her figure.

Kyungmi didn't say a word so ryujin escorted me out the toilets and stayed with me in the corridors.

"you have to tell someone about this, this is getting out of hands" she said, grabbing my shoulders and shacking my body.

"there's no point, no one will help me" I muttered as tears fell down my cheeks. Ryujin pulled me into a tight hug, stroking my hair to calm me down.

"I'm here for you okay, always" she said as she pulled away from the hug and whipped my tears causing a small smile on my face.


The red liquid found its way down my palm and on to my bathroom floor as I looked at the tears that fell down my face in the mirror.

Life was unbearable at this point. I opened the door and looked at the freshly written song which layed on my desk. A smile creeped up on my face as I whipped my tears, cleaned my cuts and walked over to my desk.

I sat down in my chair and looked at the sheets of paper that held the lyrics to my improved song. I smiled as my fingers traced the writing that held a special meaning to me.



"how are you feeling, ryujin told me that you went home yesterday becuase you were sick" seonghwa said as he rubbed my back.

"she told you or all 8 of you" I asked, un bothered to speak to him about yesterday.

"I'm fine if that's what you want to know" I added as I walked through the corridors to my English class.

"I need to talk to you about something on break" he mentioned and I nodded as I replyed, "okay, meet me on the roof".

I walked into class, taking a seat next to hongjoong. "hello grumpy" he said as I placed my book on the table.

"what happened to Princess" i complained with a pout as he laughed, patting my head. "seonghwa warned us that your spending break with him" hongjoong mentioned as he looked at me with an expression that scream 'betrayal'.

"he wanted to speak to me, so I told him to meet me at the schools roof" i said making hongjoong look at me with a less betrayed face.


A/N - Mention of Self harm

"so what did you want to speak about" I asked, taking a seat beside seonghwa on the bench.


My eyes widened as he said that word. What did I do for him to sound so mad?

I turned my head from him to the view as panic has completely took over me.

"did you keep your promise" he asked with a stone cold voice causing me to look at him faster then the speed of light.

"yes, of course I did" I said with a fake smile on my face, when he turned his gaze from the ground to me. "why are you asking me this". I looked at him with concern and pure panic as he looked down at my covered wrist.

He grabbed my wrist and was about to pull my sleeve up, when I pulled it out of his grip. "why are you lieng to me" he yelled with anger in his voice as I held my wrist up to my chest.

"I'm not" I muttered as tears fell down my skin. "stop leing to me!" he screamed, throwing the razor that was in his pocket onto the floor.

"I found it in your bathroom, show me your fucking wrist" he said as he kept his gaze on the bloody razor which was on the ground.

I pulled up my sleeve slowly moving my hand for seonghwa to see it. He lightly grabbed my wrist, tracing the cuts with his free hand. Tears threatened to escape his eyes as he looked at the disgusting painting engraved in my skin.

"ill never let soobin or anyone hurt you ever again" he muttered, placing a soft kiss on my scars as I let tears cut my cheek becuase the feeling that I felt was getting stronger.

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