Chapter 35 - The Break Up

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Yuris pov:

"I think its time you finally break up with him" hongjoong said, looking in the direction of a table that soobin was sitting on with his friends. "but be safe when you do" he said turning his gaze from soobin to me.

"I will, I promise" I responded, standing up and leaving in the direction of my soon to be ex boyfriend.

"soobin, can we talk, in private" i asked, tapping his shoulder so he could turn around a look at me. "yeah, of course, let's go to the roof" he answered, getting up and guiding me to the roof of the school.

"what's wrong" he asked, taking a seat on the bench whilst I stood there looking at him with disgust in my eyes. "don't pretend like you don't know why I've been avoiding you" I snapped out harshly.

He stood up, slowly making his way towards me with a stern expression. "I know why, I just want to hear you say it" he whispered softly, lifting my chin with his finger, so I could look at him. His eyes looked evil and the smirk on his face only made him look more demonic.

"why would you do that to her" I muttered, afraid that he could do something to me too. "violance is my favourite type of game"...

Hongjoongs pov:

"I hope she's okay" seonghwa said tapping his foot under the table and keeping his eyes on the door of the cafeteria.

"I can't stand that she's somewhere alone with him" yeosang added, letting his head drop on the table.

"she's a strong woman, she'll be fine" I said looking at all Thier anxious faces, secretly being afraid for her safety myself.

"hongjoong, look who's coming our way" Yunho said, pointing at 3 girls who where walking in our table.

"hi baby" kyungmi siad, planting a soft kiss on my cheek that I secretly whipped of. "hi woo" sanghee said, kissing wooyoung and taking a seat next to him.

"kyungmi can we talk" I asked, standing up and passing her my hand. "yeah sure" she responded, grabbing my hand and walking away from the others.


We were in the parking lot and I looked at her with a sad expression. "I would never hurt you" I muttered with tears in my eyes.

"what do you mean" she asked, getting closer to me and trying to cup my cheek but I moved away. "hongjoong" she whispered, looking at me with glossy eyes.

"how could you do this to me, how could you cheat on me with that monster" I choked out, tears falling down my cheek.

She stood in front of me with wide eyes, shocked and not being able to say a word.

"you can't even say anything" I said looking away and at the sky. "who told you, yuri did, didn't she" she snapped, walking up to me and I put my gaze back on her.

"stop being so jelouse, yuri doesn't even know, Jongho told me" I responded, keeping an emotionless face.

She stepped back, still looking at me with shock, tears cutting her smooth cheeks. "I also know what your plan is, so don't you dare get close to yuri" I threatened, walking away from her and back to the cafeteria.

Yuris pov:

I stepped away from him, tears threating to cut my cheeks becuase of the fear I felt when around him.

"what do you want form me" I muttered, looking at him with fear in my eyes as he looked at me with evil in his.

"I don't want anything form you, it was just... Funny, seeing ateez get so jealous" he laughed, walking back over to the bench and taking a seat on it.

"so as be both know that this is our break up, you can safely leave now" he said with a giggle and I left in tears, making my way back to my 8 friends.


I walked through the corridors, whipping my tears away, but only more fell.

"hey... Oh my god, yuri are you okay" a blonde boy asked, placing his hand on my cheek and lightly lifting my head so that I could look at him.

"I should be happy becuase I just broke up with soobin, but I'm just so afraid" I choked, tears falling down my cheeks.

The blonde boy pulled me into a tight hug, brushing his fingers through my hair. "what are you afraid of" he asked, pulling me away from the hug and cupping my cheek.

He softly whipped away my tears, "felix, I'm scared that he'll hurt us"...

Hongjoongs pov:

"where did sanghee and mirea go" I asked taking a seat next to seonghwa and Jongho. "they went of looking for kyungmi" wooyoung answerd, taking a sip of water.

"is yuri not back yet" I asked, looking around the cafeteria for any sign of a beautiful, brown haired girl.

"not yet, how did it go with kyungmi" mingi asked, looking at me with curiosity. "it went well, I'm officially single" i said giggling and the others laughed with smiles on Thier faces.


It's been over 10 minutes and yuri finally showed up. "come on mingi, we should go or we'll be late" yuri said in a rush, taking mingi's hand and trying to pull him away.

"waw, calm down, is everything okay" mingi asked, patting the seat in between him and wooyoung.

yuri sat down staring at us with wide eyes. "I'm single but really fucking scared" she muttered with glossy eyes and a terrified expression.

"what did do to you" Yunho said harshly, slamming his fists on the table.

"I just know... That he'll hurt us" she said with tears falling down her cheeks. Mingi pulled her into his chest, looking at us with a worried expression that I've never seen on him before.

"we'll be okay, we promise" mingi whispered as a single tear traveled down his cheek.

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