Chapter 19 - Love = Suffering

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Yuris pov:

It was dark and the only light I had was from the moon and stars, shining like diamonds in the sky. I was accompanied by my tears that fell from the pain and worry that seonghwa left me with becuase I knew something was wrong.

"what are you doing here" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around slowly, to see yunho standing infront of me, wearing a black leather jacket that looked stunning on him.

"i came to check up on seonghwa" I answered whilst whipping my tears away, "looks like the check up didn't go well" yunho said walking away and I followed behind him.

"I'm worried about him yunho" I muttered, tears threating to cut my cheeks again. "seonghwa has problems, so maybe if you treated him right he wouldn't hurt himself". I stopped, speechless and hurt, I strated blaming myslef and dark thoughts entered my mind.

"what do you mean" I mumbled under my breath. yunho used to be like an older brother to me, what changed? "just go home yuri, and leave us alone" yunho said aggressively whilst walking away and leaving me alone in the dark.


It was lunch and i decided to listen to yunhos words and sit in the library away from ateez.

Yunho's pov:

Me and ateez where at the cafeteria waiting for yuri to join us but she never came and I realised that she must have took my bad words to heart.

"where is she, and where's seonghwa" our leader asked clearly worried about our friends. "seonghwa said he's sick and yuris in becuase me and wooyoung saw her at math today" san answered taking a big bite of his chicken.

"it's my fualt she's not here" I said feeling bad for my words but I had to keep up the act. "yunho what did you do" hongjoong said getting up from his seat, getting ready to break my jaw becuase I hurt his precious princess. "I told her to leave us alone" I said and hongjoong slammed his fists on the table knocking down mingi's banana milk.

"what got into you" he yelled pacing back and forth and I wished to tell them the whole truth but that would make me look weak, so I kept my toxic act. "she hurt seonghwa and you'll are okay with it, she's better off with stray kids then with us".

Hongjoongs anger Rose trying to punch me but luckly nothing came becuase san stopped our leader from hurting me. "hongjoong it's not worth it, I'll go look for her" san said leaving us all to look for the person I love but must hate.

Yuris pov:

I was reading a book based on mythical creatures when I got interrupted my a males voice.

"here you are" I heard san say from behind me, "yunho can be an ass hole" he said taking a seat next to me. "so he told you" I asked, "yup and hongjoong almost punched him" he said letting out an adorable giggle.

"why deos he hate me" I muttered, tears slowly escaping. I placed my book down and looked at san, "I wish I knew yuri".


Sorry for such a short chapter, next one will be longer <3

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