Chapter 43 - Living Is A Cost That I Cant Handle

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Yuris pov:

My cryes could be heard all around his apartment as I held seonghwa in my arms.

"yuri, I... I don't feel... To good" I heard him mutter. I cupped his cheeks, looking into his eyes with fear and tears filled in mine. "seonghwa, don't close your eyes" I pleaded.

I looked at his pale and weak features as I lightly shook his head to keep him awake but, I failed.

"help me" he said as he collapsed into my chest. I screamed and pleaded for him to wake up as I waited for the ambulance to arrive.

"stay with me seonghwa, help will be here soon".

Yunhos pov:

I was in my room listing to music until I heard an ambulance and screams coming from seonghwa's apartment.

I quickly dashed out my house and saw seonghwa being taken by the paramedics and yuri following behind. "yuri" I muttered and she looked right at me with trembling hands and a petrified expression.

She started crying again as I pulled her into my chest and stroked her hair to calm her down. "he'll be okay, he's strong" I said as tears fell down my face and on to yuris skin. "let's go to the hospital" I added, grabbing her hand and pulling her to my car.

As soon as I parked the car outside the hospital me and yuri run out and into the big building. "yuri, go find seonghwa's room and message me were he is, ill wait here for the boys" I yelled as she nodded and run off.

Yuris pov:

I run over to the reception and immediately asked for seonghwa's room number. "Park seonghwa just got here, please tell me were his room is" I pleaded with tears threatening to escape again. "Mr. Park is in room 144".

I bowed to the woman and run to his room, praying that my friend will be okay. As soon as I made it to his room a doctor exited, stopping me from going inside.

"doctor how is he" I asked as I tryed to get a peak of the inside of his room. "who are you miss" the doctor asked causing me to stare at him blankly. "I'm Chang Yuri, his girlfriend" I replyed looking at the doctor with hope of getting some information.

"Mr. Park is in a bad condition, we'll do everything we can to save his life, now if you excuse me" the doctor said as he run back into his room.

My heart shattered as I fell to the floor. I felt a pair of hands wrap around me as the person pulled me into a hug, whisperings, "it'll be okay". I pulled away and saw Jongho, kneeling in front of me with blood shot eyes but a small smile.

"what happened yuri" I heard wooyoung ask with a weak voice. I sat down next to all of them, explaining the story with tears falling down my face.

"it's all my fault, I'm sorry that I ignored you guys, I was just so puzzled" I said and mingi walked up to me, wrapping his huge hands around my body. "it's not your fault" he said as a single tear found its way down his face.

Sans pov:

Its been 2 hours and yuri fell asleep on my shoulder as all the emotions she went through must have made her tierd.

"deos anyone want coffee" mingi proposed and all of us nodded in agreement. "ill come help you" Jongho said as the two of them left to go find a coffee machine.

"good thing she's asleep, I couldn't stand seeing her so stressed" Yunho said, looking over at me with tierd eyes and a small smile when he turned his gaze over to yuri.

"at least she's okay, I was so scared she would be the one we would be here for" I said as I lightly tucked a strand of her chocolate hair behind her ear.

"i hope seonghwa wakes up soon, I can't stand waiting here for some sort of sign, miracle" yeosang remarked as he tapped his foot anxiously on the marble floor.

"he'll wake up soon, I know it, he wouldn't leave us like that" I said as I turned my gaze to my trembling hands, getting deja vu from when wooyoung was the one in a hospital bed.

We were all waiting anxiously, when the doctor walked out from seonghwa's room. I waked yuri up and she shot up from her chair, looking at the doctor.

Mingi and yunho also came back holding all our coffee and looking at the doctor. "is he okay" yuri asked with shaking hands. "yes, Mr. Park is resting right now".

A weight has been lifted from my shoulders when I heard those words being spoken from the doctors mouth. "thank you" we all said as we bowed our respect to the doctor for saving our friends life.

"okay the rest of you can go home, ill stay here and ill let you guys know if something happens" yuri said as she walked over to seonghwa's room door.

"ill stay with you" yeosang proposed and yuri nodded in agreement walking into seonghwa's room as me and the others headed back home.

Yuris pov:

I walked over to seonghwa's bed, taking a seat as yeosang stood behind me. I grabbed seonghwa's hand with a small smile on my face from the releaf of hearing that seonghwa is okay.

"are you sure you don't want to go home, I can stay here" yeosang said, placing a hand on my back and rubbing it with his thumb.

"I want to stay here with him" I replyed, not taking my eyes of seonghwa's sleeping figure.

"alright, ill go get us something to eat" yeosang said as he pat my shoulder and left seonghwa's room.

"I didn't know that your my girlfriend" I heard a weak voice say . I looked over at the source of the sound, to see that seonghwa's eyes were parciouly open.

"hi girlfriend" he said with a small, but really cute smile which made me blush. "shut up, I only said that becuase I was scared I would get information if I stated that Im only your friend" I giggled, playfully hitting his arm.

"don't ever do this to me again, you scared me" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. Seonghwa cupped my cheek, whipping away my tears.

"you don't hurt yourself too" he muttered weakly, causing me stare at him with wide eyes. "ill keep it a secret, but don't ever do it again" he pleaded as tears fell down his bruised cheek.

"I won't, I promise" I replyed as I sank into his warm touch, letting my head rest on his stomach as he stroked my hair.

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