Chapter 47 - Destroy My Will To Live

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Yuris pov:

"can we talk, please" the blonde boy asked as he approached me. I nodded, taking a seat on a near bench and looking at the view of the pretty pink cherry blossom trees.

"I feel like your avoiding me" he said as he sat down beside me. I turned my head to look at him, a sad expression was plastered on his face as his eyes met mine.

"I'm not avoiding you felix, it's just hard for me as I don't want to keep your hopes up becuase of one wrong move" I responded, adverting my gaze from him to the ground.

"there's someone else you like, isn't there" he asked with a small smile as I looked back at my best friend.

"I don't know yet, there is someone, I just don't know what I feel" I responded and felix side hugged me, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I hope he's the right one, you deserve the best in the world" he muttered and let out a small giggle, to which I playfully smacked his arm causing both of us to burst out into laughter.

Soobins pov:

"so whats the the next plan" kyungmi asked as she sat on my lap and placed a kiss on my lips.

"i don't know baby, i have no plans" I replyed, causing her to widen her eyes and look at me with anger.

"me, Mirea and Sanghee lost the boys of our dreams becuase of her, come on we can't just let her rest" she said looking at the two mentioned girls with sympathy as they sat there both heartbroken.

"I'm just gonna go for felix next, as he's kinda cute" sanghee said, taking a sip of vodka which yeonjun has passed her.

"I just don't see the point of doing anything anymore, she's slowly breaking on her own" I commented, as an evil smile showed itself on my face.

"all I can do is make it a little worse" I added and kyungmi looked at me with pure excitement as she kissed me passionately on the lips.


"she's pretty isn't she" I said as I took a seat next to hyunjin. "what the fuck do you want from me" he spoke, getting up and trying to leave but I sat him back down, making him listen to what I was about to say.

"it sucks how felix wants her, not you" I said, looking at hyunjin who averted his gaze away from me and to the floor.

"you know nothing" he scoffed and I laughed causing confusion to show up on hyinjins face.

"I know a lot more then you think, and I know that your jelouse of yuri" I mentioned as I looked at the mentioned girl who was sitting next to yunho and Jongho.

"would you like to help us, ruin her life" I asked as I passed him my hand and he shook it with a small grin on his face as he looked over at girl who's life he was about to destroy.

Yuris pov:

"how's the song going yuri" mingi asked with a smile on his face, jumping up and down on his chair from excitement.

"it's going great, I can't wait to show it to you guys when it's done" I replyed, looking over at seonghwa with a small smile as he was the first person I wanted to show the song to.

"I can't wait to hear it" yeosang said with excitement as he placed down his book to join in the conversation.

"yuri! We didn't see you for so long, it's nice to see that your back with the boys" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up with a bright smile and saw yeji standing next to san with a huge gummy smile.

"would you girls like to sit down" hongjoong asked as he moved up to let one of the girls sit down. "oh no, thank you, we have to head to class, it was nice meeting you" yeji said as all the 5 girls bowed and the boys returned thier bows with huge smiles.

"well arnt they sweet" san said, still keeping his eyes on the girls that were exciting the cafeteria. "Thier single" i said winking at san as I let out a small giggle.


I was walking back home with my best friend by my side, enjoying the breeze of the cold wind caressing my warm skin.

"I think sanghee is obsessed with me" he said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. I let out a small giggle as I found it funny how sanghee moved on this fast.

"she must like you a lot" I said and felix let out a sarcastic giggle. "I can't take it anymore, she's everywhere" he muttered, letting his gaze move up to the beautiful blue sky.

"how are you and your secret crush" felix said causing me to chock on air and look at him with wide eyes.

"he's not my crush, I don't know what I feel towards him yet" I replyed, hidding my face in my palms so that felix wouldn't see me blush.

"who is it anyway" he asked and I sighed, not knowing if I'm fully ready to tell anyone about what I'm feeling towards a certain someone.

"I don't want to tell anyone yet, I want to make sure that what I feel is real first" I replyed as a smile creeped up on my face at the thought of the boy who caused butterflies in my stomach.


I was back at home and for the first time in a while, I acctualy felt happy. I smiled at myself as I saw my reflection in the mirror but, the smile disappeared as soon as I saw the scars that created a brutal painting on my wrist.

I was about to pick up the silver object that painted my wrist, with tears forming in my eyes, when I got a text from someone i have broke an important promise to.


I'm outside your house

And i bought food :)


Who do you think yuris crush is ;) if I didn't make it any more obvious in the book already haha :)

Also what song do you think yuri is working on :) i think i also made that kinda obvious and I also gave you guys a clue ;)

Thanks for reading this chapter, I'll see you guys in the next one <3

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