Chapter 2 - Unforgettable Mistakes

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English was finally over and I was making my way over to meet up with Straykids ans spend lunch with them.

"hey, come sit here" felix sounded overly excited, patting the seat next to him. "how was class" bangchan asked me passing me a bottle of banana milk. "class was horrible, but this milk made my day a bit better, thank you chan" I say smiling brightly at chan and the milk.


Me and the others just finished eating and were about to leave when out of no where I hear someone say, "hello princess" i turn around to see hongjoong hovering over me with the other 7 boys behind him.

I saw that felix was getting mad but I had to make sure he doesn't do anything especially when he got given his last warning. "what's your next class" hongjoong asked me, "she doesn't need to tell you" felix spat out, creating fists ready to punch hongjoong with. "I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to her". hongjoong stares deeply into my dark brown eyes making me kind of anxious, "science" I say, "ahhh, that's great, san has science to, walk her to class san" hongjoong says patting Sans shoulder and san smiles happily.

"your joking" felix says getting up angry from his seat "do I look like I'm joking". Hongjoong moves closer to felix and honestly, hongjoong looked kind of scary. "san, pass yuri her bag" san was about to give me my bag when felix punched hongjoong in the face. "felix stop!" bangchan yells, "oh, bang, looks like you broke the deal completely" hongjoong say moving his jaw around.

"I'm sorry about him, I'll repay you" and thats when I realised that bangchan made a mistake repaying ateez becuase of what he said my life got completely flipped around.

"oh yeah you fucking will, we had a deal that you stay out of our business and we give you protection and popularity for it" hongjoong said and I wondered what protection, I thought they had a different deal.

"what protection" I ask looking at bangchan and felix only. "it doesn't matter" felix snaps out at me and I flinch a little. "oh, they lied to you about the deal" wooyoung says in a baby like voice which really pissed me off.

"well, that doesn't matter anymore becuase Yuri belongs to us" hongjoong said taking my bag away from my hand and passing it over to san, "WHAT!" me and all the straykids members say in sink. "you have to repay me don't you, so I want yuri or deals off" I look over at bangchan and he was deeply thinking about it, but what is there to think about, he can't give me away to them, I'm not a toy.

"I'm waiting" hongjoong says unpatient "chan, don't let them have her, she's our friend" I hear felix whisper over to chan, but that was to no use. He nods over to hongjoong. "san, take yuri to class, be kind to her, she's a member now" and san drags me away and all I could do is look back at my old friends in disappointment.

Felixs pov:

"thank you bang, love doing business with you" hongjoong walks away with the rest of his friends and I sat back down in disbelief that bangchan just gave yuri over to ateez like if she meant nothing.

"why, why would you give her away like that" I say with tears in my eyes, "I'm sorry, but we need to keep the deal, she'll be safer with them, than with us" bangchan says resting his hand on my shoulder. "keep an eye on her during science chan" I say leaving back to my car, skipping my last lesson.

Yuris pov:

"I'm san" he say finally letting go of my wrist, "I know dickhead" I say and he laughs really cutely at my reply. "I know you hate us, but maybe when you get to see the real evil in the school you'll understand that we're not the bad guys" San says handing me my bag, "we're only trying to survive" he says again making me laugh, "this isn't a k-drama san, it's a school" I say irritated with him speaking nonsense.

"your a nice girl yuri, pretty too, your lucky your with us not with them" I roll my eyes and enter my science class wishing for all this to be a dream.

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