Chapter 29 - Slowly Time For The Truth

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Seonghwa's pov:

I was strolling to class behind my friends while they were all walking together, laughing and I was left at the back, alone and sad, still missing yuri becuase she should be here, laughing with them.

I followed my friends, when I stopped and saw a girl standing next to the lockers with a boy. She looked happy, happier then she did with me.

"yuri" I said in a soft vioce, happy to be able to see her after so long. "seonghwa your back" she said as she tryed to hug me but her friend pulled her away from me.

"stay away from her" she said as he pushed me on to the lockers. I wanted to fight back however, this time I let him beat me becuase yuri was there.

"soobin, stop he didn't do anything wrong" yuri yelled as she pulled her black Haired friend away from me.

"he done nothing wrong, stop lieing to yourself, he's a monster just like the rest of them" he yelled at her, pointing his index finger in my direction. "come on yuri, we're going" he said, taking her hand and pulling her away.

"oh, and don't ever come close to her again" he said, turning away and kissing Yuri right in front of me and that's when I realised I lost her for good.

Yuris pov:

"why did you do that" I yelled, pushing my boyfriend with anger. "he's my friend" I said, lightly hitting his chest.

"him, your friend, stop being so delusional" soobin yelled, attracting curious students towards us. "they never treated you right yuri".

I glared at him with fire in my eyes. "and how would you know that" I said with sass in my voice, poking his chest with my finger.

"you told me what they've done, and kyungmi, you never told them. She left you alone, do you want her to bully you again" he said, making me flinch at the mention of her name. "baby, i just want to protect you".

Soobin stepped closer and cupped both of my cheeks, lightly lifting my head to look at him.

He placed a light kiss on my nose, then stepping away and giving me a bright smile which I painfully returend.


I finished my math class and I was making my way through the corridor's to get to my English class, when u stumbled upon a familiar face.

"hey yuri" Jongho said quietly, shyly giving me a cute smile. "hey" I said, returning the smile and I carried on walking to class.

"yuri wait, I was wondering" he said not finishing of his question. I stood still, turing around to face Jongho.

"me and Yunho are having an archery competition and I would love it if you where there to cheer us on" he said handing me a leaflet about the archery compention. "you can bring soobin too if you want" he added making me look up at him faster then the speed of light.

"he wouldn't want to be there, he wouldn't want me going too" I answered looking at him. Kis expression looked sad and betrayed, but yet he still smiled when looking at me.

"why" he asked, pain noticable in his voice. "look Jongho, ill think about it" I said as I left him, not looking back becuase I wouldn't be able to stand seeing him so hurt becuase of me.


Mingi's pov:

I was standing outside in the parking lot with ateez and stray kids.

"what are we going to do, yuri is with our enemy for way to long" bangchan said, looking deeply at my captain for answers.

"she even decided to date that fucked up leader of theirs" Yunho said with disgust in his vioce and expression, pretending to throw up at the thought of yuri being with soobin.

"yunho this is serious, its not like you care about her anyway" hongjoong snapped with a serious tone, stopping my best friend from acting like an idiot.

"I may not like yuri as much as you do, but I definitely want her to be happy with someone who isn't soobin" he answered, glaring at the captain.

"This isn't the time to argue, what are we planning to do" Felix snapped, pushing Yunho and hongjoong away from each other.

"we tell her the truth" I said with a serious tone, looking at the two leaders infront of me. "are you out of your mind" bangchan said, panicking at the thought of having to talk about the traumatic past.

"do you have any other plan" I smirked, deep down also being worried about opening up to Yuri, but I knew that she deserved to know.

"when do we tell her" wooyoung questioned and I answered, "tomorrow after the archery competition".

"well about that" Jongho muttered, causing everyone to look at the maknea. "yuri said she'll think about coming, she might not come" he said, a sigh of defeat escaping out my mouth.

"let's hope she deos" felix said...

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