Chapter 44 - Anger Causes Problems

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Yuris pov:

My eyes flattered open as the sun shone threw the window. I got up and saw seonghwa peaceful asleep, I looked over at my phone and saw a note next to it on the night stand.

'sorry that I didn't wake you up, but you looked so peaceful. I left you some breakfast and baught you some of my clothes as I couldn't really break into your house haha.

I'll see you at school, yeosang <3'

I giggled to myself as I read the note. I ate the sandwich and changed into yeosangs clothes. I was about to leave until I looked back at seonghwas sleeping figure. I quietly walked over to his bed, placing a soft kiss on his forehead and run to school.


I was running to class when I bumped into a friend I haven't talked to for a while. "oh, hi yuri" felix said with a smile and I replyed with a "hello".

"I heard about seonghwa, how is he" felix asked, walking me to my English class. "he's alright, I'm going to see him after class" I replyed.

I was about to walk into class until felix stopped me, to tell me something. "can we meet during break, I have something I need to tell you". I nodded as I walked into class.

"hi" I said as I took a seat next to hongjoong. "how's seonghwa" he asked as he passed me a bottle of water, which I took with a smile. "he's alright, I'm going to see him after school" I said and when hongjoong was about to reply, kyungmi walked in and walked over to our table.

"how's seonghwa, i heard about what happened" she said, looking at hongjoong with sad, worried eyes.

"why are you asking, you don't even care" hongjoong remarked and kyungmi scoffed, bringing her eyes on me. "atleast I'm not sitting with the girl who almost killed him" she smirked.

My blood boiled, I was about to get up and punch that bitch, but hongjoong placed a hand on my shoulder. "it's not worth it" he said and kyungmi walked away making me slam my fists on the table from the amount of anger she caused.

"what a bitch" I muttered causing hongjoong to look over at me with an apologetic expression. "she's not worth your anger yuri" he said as he interlocked his hand in mine and smiled at me brightly.


It was break and as promised I walked up to the schools roof top, were I was going to meet felix.

"hi there gorgeous" I heard felix say, which made me giggle at his remark. "hi there handsome" I replyed as he laughed causing me to join in.

"what's up, you wanted to talk" I asked, taking a seat on a bench to which he followed.

"it's really hard for me to say, but I want to tell you" he said looking out at the beautiful view of the city.

"I like you yuri"...

I chocked on air as I heard what he said. Am I dreaming? He can't be serious?

"your joking right" I asked, looking at him with concern in my eyes. "no I'm not, I've liked you for a really long time now" he replyed as he tryed to grab my hand but I moved it away.

I got up from my seat, looking at him with wide eyes. "I don't want to hear it, not today".

Felix got up and slowly made his way towards me but I stepped back.

"yuri I'm sorry, but I had to tell you" he said as tears started to form in his eyes. "please don't hate me" he added and I just walked away, making my way to my maths class and away from him.


I was sitting in between Jongho and mingi, over thinking about what felix told me during break. Many thoughts flooded my brain as I thought about the 9 boys that admitted thier feeling towards me, kyungmi, soobin, seonghwa being in the hospital and my cuts.

"hey are you okay" I heard hongjoong ask and I nodded in reply, not really wanting to talk. "no your not, stop lieing" he pushed causing me to look up at him with annoyance.

"I'm just tierd" I replyed with an unbothered tone making him role his eyes and continue eating.

"is me being tierd bothering you" I asked hongjoong harshly to which he looked up at me with wide, confused eyes.

"yuri what's gotten into you" san asked, looking at me with a worried expression.

"nothing" I answered, going back to burying my head in my arms and letting the others eat.

"yuri is something bothering you, please talk to us" Jongho said as he rubbed my back. "I'm okay" was all I said as I pushed his hand away from me.

"hi, are one of you going to tell me how seonghwa is feeling" I heard a female voice ask. My head shot up, looking at the source of the voice with pure evil.

Sanghee stood there looking at wooyoung with anger and heartbreak as kyungmi and mirea stared at me with nothing but the want of violance in thier eyes.

"I thought I already told you that this is none of your business" hongjoong scoffed, trying to get her to walk away but she didn't.

"I'm just worried about a friend" she said, still keeping her evil eyes on me. "he's not your friend" I muttered, slowly lifting my head up to look at her ugly face.

"wow, the murderer spoke" she said laughing causing my blood to boil and my anger to rise.

"kyungmi, stop it" hongjoong yelled but kyungmi didn't listen, she just stood there causing my anger to get even worse.

"you should be the one in that hospital bed, not him" she said. I got up from my chair and walked up to her, grabbing a chunck of her hair, making her look at me.

"you fucking bitch" I said with anger as I smashed her head on the table. Blood poured out her nose as her friends tryed to get me off her body that layed on the cold floor.

"yuri" I heard felix scream as I saw stray kids running over. My hands were around her neck when I got pulled away from her by yunho as Changbin helped kyungmi who was also trying to attack me.

"you'll fucking regret this yuri" kyungmi yelled as she broke free from changbins grip and left with her two friends.

"what are you all dickheads staring at" mingi yelled at everyone in the cafeteria who was staring at us.

"what the fuck got into you" yeosang said as all the boys looked at me with concern. "let go of me" I yelled as I broke free from yunhos hold and left the school grounds.


I was keeping my head low as the rain drops fell on my body. The walk to the hospital was long but calming as o felt the cold air hit my skin and my favourite song played.

I knocked on seonghwa's hospital room door and walked in. "shouldn't you be in school" he asked, patting the seat next to him on the bed. I sat down next to him, resting my head on his chest as tears cut my rosie cheeks.

"yuri what happened" he asked in a calming voice, cupping my chin and lifting it slightly so that I could look at him.

He gave me a small smile as he whipped my tears and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"why are you the only person I trust with my whole life" I said as a small giggle escaped my mouth.

"maybe becuase I'm so handsome and irresistible" he said, making me laugh in which he joined in.

"I don't know what I would do withought you seonghwa" I muttered and he cupped my cheek with a cute smile.

"don't worry, becuase ill always be here"...


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter <3

Let me know who you think she'll end up with, but I think it's kinda obvious haha :)

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