Chapter 31 - The Truth Pt.1

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A/N: the flashback are the memories not what they are telling yuri fully.

Yuris pov:

Me, stray kids and ateez where all based in yeosangs living room as he had the most space to fit all of us in his house.

"so tell me, everything" I said, sitting down on the couch whilst the boys all stood in front of me.

"we're going to tell you everything you need to know about the deal, txt and especially us" Jongho answered, sending me a small smile.

"I'm all ears"...

San's pov:

"well there's a lot of stuff you don't know" I said, giving her a glass of water. "so tell me about the things that I don't know" she said seriously, placing the cup of water which was in her hand, down on the table.

"us and ateez used to be good friends" bangchan answered yuri, flinching a little at the forgot memories of our lost friendship.

San's flashback:

"hey guys, you all want to get some pizza after class" Minho asked, patting seonghwa's back and taking a seat next to him.

"pizza sounds good, but I can't come" a felix said picking up his bag and getting ready to go to class.

"hey felix come back, what do you mean you can't go" yeosang asked placing down his book and looking at felix with a curious face.

"I promised my friend ill say bye to her at the airport". We all looked at him, smirking as we all knew who he was on about.

"oooo, you going to say bye to your girlfriend" Changbin teased, I saw that felix went completely red at the mention of the word 'girlfriend'.

"yuris my childhood best friend, nothing more" he snapped at us as he left for his class.

End flashback:

"you where moving to Italy for 6 months, that when everything we are telling you now happened" Felix said, fiddling anxiously with his fingers.

"so the deal, your friendship and everything else, happened when I was away" she asked, looking at felix with a curious expression. "why didn't you call me or tell me somehow" she asked, burying her head in her hands.

"becuase I didn't want to worry you, I had no idea you were going to transfer to KQ when you returned" he answered, stepping closer to her and taking her hands away from her fave so she could look at us.

Seonghwa's pov:

"how long where you all friends for" yuri asked, looking at hongjoong like if she wanted him to answer the question.

"since childhood and we knew felix ever since he joined KQ academy which was 2 years ago". Hongjoong answered her, keeping a stern face.

"2 years ago was when I left for Italy" she said looking at felix with a confused expression but curiosity in her eyes.

Seonghwa's flashback:

"seonghwa, i know you probably want to get pizza with the others, but could you maybe give me a lift to the airport" Felix asked, walking with me towards our science class.

"yeak sure, that's much more fun then pizza" i said giving him a friendly side hug which he giggled to.


We arrived at the airport and me and felix where on a misson to look for a chocolate colour haired girl.

"where is she" felix said anxiously, he was panicking and fiddling with his silver chain necklace. "we'll find here" I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

Out of no where, felix run towards a girl and I stood far away as he bide her farewell.

The girl looked beautiful, her smile was so cute that I couldn't resist but smile myself. Yuri was the prettiest I've ever seen.

End flashback:

"I took felix to the airport and after we got pizza" I said giggling a little from the memory of that night.

"that were i knew you from, when u first joined KQ I knew I recognised you from somewhere but I couldn't quit recall from where" yuri said, looking at me with shock.

"but I don't understand, how did the deal happen? Why did you guys fall out? What deos txt have to do with this?" she questioned curious to know the story with detail.

"don't worry, we're getting to that" Yunho said in a sharp tone causing himself to get a smack from Mingi.

Jongho's pov:

I was afraid of telling her about txt becuase I was scared she wouldn't believe us and would much rather believe them, but no matter what, I knew this was the right thing to do.

"you see the deal happened becuase of txt" bangchan said causing yuri to look him dead in the eyes.

"I don't even know what the stupid deals about" she snapped, wanting one of us to clearly get to the point.

"protection and popularity" Minho said with a cold voice. Clearly none of us want to mention the past. "protection from who" yuri asked. "txt" seungmin answered.

Jongho's flashback:

"I need your help, I can't take it anymore" bangchan said panicking as he walked back and forth. "waw, calm down, what happened" I said trying to calm him down.

"txt, I can't take this anymore, changbins in the hospital becuase of them, who's next on Thier list".

Bangchan sat down and buried his head in his hands as tears threatend to escape from his eyes.

"I need you guys to protect us and give stray kids popularity to get rid of txt" bangchan mentioned causing us to look at him with confusion. "how the fuck are we supposed to do that" yeosang asked placing down his book.

"at least try, for me, deal" bangchan said, passing hongjoong his hand, "deal" hongjoong answered, shaking his hand.

End flashback:

"what did txt do to you" yuri said with authority in her voice.

"we're getting to that part now"....

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