Chapter 18 - Park Seonghwa

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Seonghwa's pov:

My head was filled with nothing but anger, I wanted violance and the best person to put it on was felix. All I could hear were muffled screams and yells, everything was silent, like if all my sences disappeared.

"seonghwa, seonghwa stop" I felt someone touch my shoulder and a girls voice played on repeat in my head. I turned around, my knuckles stained red.


She looked scared, the look of fear in her eyes made me want to reassure her that everything's okay, but I knew that if I do that I'll just make the situation worse.

"I hope this made you happy" I heard felix say whilst he spat a bunch of blood out of his mouth. "just shut up" I yell getting closer for a nother round but I stopped when I heard yuri yell, "ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!".

Everything went silent and the only person I saw was her, sad and afraid. I tried to get closer to her, to hug her, let her know that I'm sorry, but no matter what I would do it wouldn't work.

"don't get close to me, I told you, I told all of you to stop, but you just don't listen, you act like children" she yelled taking a few steps back away from me. "yuri, let me explain" I said trying to get close to her, but she left.

I wanted to follow her but hongjoong blocked my path. "maybe we should give her some space" he said lightly squeezing my shoulder, but I didn't want to be away from yuri, I wanted to explain everything, every little detail.

"I can't, let me go after her" I said brushing his hand of me and pushing my way through. "why are you always running after her, are you into her or something". Hongjoong's words kept me frozen in spot, I couldn't believe that he would think that, but on the other hand he wasn't wrong so I replied with "maybe" and left.


I was wondering through the halls looking for yuri when I heard her voice, but she wasn't alone. I wondered what was going on so I hid behind a corner and saw that she was talking to kyungmi and the conversation didn't look to friendly.

"listen yuri, I dont care how close you are to him, stay away" I head kyungmi say, I wonder who she's on about. "I told you many times that I'm not interested in him, you don't have to worry" yuri mentioned and after that I saw kyungmi leave so I decided to go ask yuri about what happened.

"hey yuri, what was that about" I ask slowly getting closer to her. Yuri rolled her eyes and spoke, "what are you, a police officer". I was taken back by her words but I understood that she was still mad at me.

"yuri I'm sorry okay, just speak to me" I mutter trying to place my hand on her shoulder but she moved away, "there is nothing to speak about, I stay out of your business so you stay out of mine" she said aggressively leaving me speechless.


"so did you speak to yuri" yunho asked whilst making his way home with me as classes were over.

"yeah, I did" I mutter still shocked by how she treated me today. "how did it go" he asked again and I didn't know what to say as it went kinda bad.

"why do you care, you don't even like yuri" I say trying to change the subject not knowing i acctualy made it worse. "deos it matter, you like her don't you".

Yunhos sudden question made me choke on air. I didn't know what to say, becuase honestly I really liked her but I couldn't tell yunho about it so I avoided his question and luckly he didn't ask again.


"well I'll see you tomorrow neighbour" yunho said taking out his keys to his apartment, "yeah, I'll see you tomorrow" I said stepping into my apartment and making my way straight to my room.

I was laying in bed still thinking about yuri, how she treated me, how she probably hates me, how she will never be mine and all these thoughts where making me angry.

I moved to the side and set my gaze on my window which had a single cactuse plant on the window ciele. I wanted to scream then, I felt so useless, so weak, but everytime I thought of her, I felt like I could have anything, I felt strong, happy, in love, but I don't know if I'm capable of that.

I stood up from my bed and made my way over to my rectangular shaped mirror which was hanging on the wall over my desk. "why do you do this to yourself" I asked, looking deeply at myself through the mirror.

"why do you like her" I questioned a little bit more aggressively whilst punching my wall. Tears where becoming to form and I couldn't stand my thoughts anymore. "your gonna play her like every other women" I yell, tears escaping my eyes whilst I punch my wall once more.

"your a fuck boy" I yell.

"you a player!"

"You don't like her!"


"get, her out, of your, HEAD!" I screamed punching my mirror, causing it to leave shards of glass in my hand and on the desk however, I didn't feel the pain I just carried on wrecking my room and hurting myself during the process.


I was curled up on the floor in my wrecked room, crying from all the physical and emotional pain I felt, when I heard a knock on my door.

"who is it" I asked coldly, not in the mood for visitors but when I heard who spoke my pain immediately went away.

"it's me, yuri" she said softly, it was almost angelic, "seonghwa, I'm sorry for how I treated you today, please just don't hate me" she muttered and my heart broke.

I lightly pressed my head against the door, tears threatening to escape once again. "I could never hate you" I said quietly.

"I hope your okay, I'm worried about you" I heard her say and I giggled, trying not to make it obvious that I'm hurt. "I'm okay, don't worry" I said trying not to break down becuase I didn't want her to see the state I was in.

"ill see you tomorrow" she said finally leaving. I turned around slowly sliding down the door, crying becuase my mind is something I wish to escape especially since yuri stepped into it.


Omg please listen to Key - Another life becuase that song literally makes me feel euphoria it's that good.

Okay, bye bye :)

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