Chapter 5 - Fearing A Lovely Boy

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I was hiding away in the parking lot in a little alleyway. I was sad by how I was treated not only by stray kids and felix but seonghwa too.

I felt a stinging sensation in my shoulders which didn't want to go away. Why did seonghwa hurt me even though I may be the one to blame for the argument.


Seonghwas pov:

I watched as yuri run away, her white shirt was slowly getting stained crimson around the area of her shoulders. I hurt her more than I thought I did and I couldn't even apologise becuase she ran away.

"you fucking bitch, don't ever touch her like that" I heard felix say and his fist collided with my face causing me to spit out my own blood. "your going to regret that" I say and I jump at him throwing punches left and right.

Wooyoung, san and mingi pulled me of felix and bangchan took hold of his blondie. "im sorry about this" bangchan says over to hongjoong and he smirks. "don't apologise, this is on me" he says pulling me away with anger.


"am I gonna find out what the fuck you were thinking" hongjoong yells at me, walking back and forth holding the bridge of his nose, "the prick deserved it" I said tightening my fists at the thaught of the blondie.

Hongjoong stopped what he was doing and looked deep into my eyes piercing my soul with his gaze. "I'm not talking about him, I'm talking about yuri". When hongjoong mentioned her I immediately look down at my hands. I saw violence in them that I couldn't control and now Yuri was suffering becuase of it.

"I'll go look for her" I say getting up but hongjoong pushes me back down onto the bench.

"you done enough, Jongho will go". Jongho nods and walks away to look for yuri.


Yuris pov:

I was still crying when I heard someone yell my name around the parking lot. I peep my head from my hiding spot to see Jongho looking for me. I was about to go back to hiding but he spotted me.

"I'm sorry about what happened yuri" he says kneeling in front of me, "how are your shoulders" he asked trying to reach out to me but I move away.

"my best friend hates me becuase hongjoong wanted me like if I was some gold medal" I say with anger rising every time I speak. "I know, but I want to be a friend and so do the others, so please, come back" he said bleeding me like if I was going to change something.

"I don't know Jongho, seonghwa..." I couldnt even finish my sentence becuase Jongho cut me of, "needs you, he trusts you for some reason and right now your the only one that can calm him down" Jongho says and I look at him in shock pointing my fingure at myself.

"how, I don't even know anything about him" I say hoping to get some brief information out of Jongho. "seonghwa will tell you everything when he's ready, just come back".


"yuri, are you okay" hongjoong asks placing a hand on my shoulder and I flinch from the sudden pain, he quickly takes his hand of me and glares at seonghwa.

Seonghwa had dryed blood around his lips and nose, his cheek was purple and blue and his knuckles a crimson red.

I looked at the boys who were behind me for an explanation. "he got into a fight with felix" hongjoong says motioning for me to look at a distant felix.

I could see bangchan helping felix with his bruises in the distance. I turn back to look at seonghwa, i could see fear in his eyes, he didn't take his gaze from his hands once since I came back.

"can I have a minute alone with him, please" I ask hongjoong and he nods in approval. "we won't be far" he says and they all leave me with seonghwa all alone.

I kneel in front of him placing my hands on his so that he knows its only me and him.

He looks up at me with tear filled eyes which I carefully whipe away with my thumb. "I can't control my anger anymore, I'm scared I'm going to hurt you again" he says shaking in fear.

I lightly cup his cheek and smile at him so he feels safe, "I understand that your struggling seonghwa, I'll try help you as friends should" I say embracing him in a warm hug. "your not scared of me" he whispers.

I could feel his lips gently brush against my neck when he spoke sending chills down my spine. "no, I'm not" I say pulling away from the hug and sending him one last huge smile until heading of to music class.


"how was alone time with seonghwa" mingi says playfully and I giggle. "nothing happened, I just made him a little happy" I say getting a side hug from him.

We enter the class and take our seats. Mingi takes a seat next to me, "hope you don't mind", I nod allowing him to sit.

"okay everyone, I hope you all came prepared and happy" Mr. Seokjin said  putting down all his musical books.

"today i want you all to get into pairs and create a bautiful music piece with your talents". I turn to look at mingi to see him looking at me too.

"what can you do" he asks, "I sing and play the piano, you". He smiles brightly taking my hand and pulling me to a keyboard. "I can rap, I've never been so excited to do music like i am now" I laugh at his reply and I start playing melodies I could sing to and he could rap to.

We ended up creating a song we named terblance, I done all the singing and he done all the rapping. When it came to performing it everyone was in love and the teacher gave us an A.


Class was finally over and me and mingi got permission from Mr. Seokjin to stay behind and work on the song for a little bit.

"this song will be engraved in my heart" mingi says packing up his things so we could go home. "it is a bautiful song" I say smiling at the lyrics me and him wrote down on a piece of paper.

"thank you for writing it with me yuri, I can't imagine a nother partner doing this with me but you". I smile at his polite words and we both leave to go home after a long day.

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