Chapter 12 - Jung Wooyoung

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Wooyoung's pov:

Me, San, yuri and Minnie were seated at a restaurant waiting for our food. "so your the new friend in ateez, Chang Yuri right" Minnie asked trying to start a conversation with yuri who was sitting next to san on the other side of the table, "she's not that new" I say giggling and the others join in.

When our food arrived we all talked and laughed, trying to enjoy our moment when two familier faces came into the restaurant.

"oh hi guys, hi yuri" Jongho yells waving his hand at us alongside seonghwa. "how are you feeling yuri" seonghwa asked her, giving her a hug and cupping her cheek which for some reason made me really jelouse.

Seeing everyone so close to yuri made me really mad. I want to do that, I want to touch her, I want to hug her, ask her if she's okay, love her, or maybe i just want to play her?

Love, that word repeated itself in my mind becuase it can't be true. I can't love her, I would hurt her like all the other girls.

I look over at seonghwa with an annoyed excperssion, "sorry, are me and Jongho interrupting something" seonghwa asked and I smirk about to say yes but san speaks first. "no, no you guys should join", so I sadly nod allowing them to join this no longer double date that I now found as a bad idea, as my feeling towards Minnie disappeared as soon as I saw yuri smile at me.

Her smile sent shivers down my spine and butterflies filled my stomach. "your beautiful" I mumble not realising I said that out loud, luckly Minnie thought I said that to her. "thank you" she said placing as kiss on my cheek.


We finished the double date early and Jongho offered to take yuri home which honestly I got jelouse about becuase I much rather be the one taking her home but I had Minnie to take care of.

"today was fun" Minnie said as we stopped outside her house. "Minnie, your a really nice girl" I say taking a deep breath before I break her heart, but before I carried on I stopped myself and remembered yuri.

I love her, i really do but I just knew I would break her, so the only way to get her out of my mind would be through a girl, but which one?

"wooyoung, is something wrong" Minnie asked cupping my cheek which I politely reject. "I'm not into you" I say yet again breaking a girls heart but she didn't seem to hurt.

"who's the lucky one" she says smiling at me, but I was speechless, yuri was the one I loved but I couldn't have that known to anyone, so I lied.

"sanghee" I say and as soon as I do her palm smacks against my face, bruising my cheek. "let me know when you break her heart ass hole" she spat out going into her house slamming the door. "I deserve that" I mutter to myself walking back home broken and lost with emotion.


Sorry for such a short chapter, I'm having a writers block :(

But I hope your all enjoying opsession so far <3 love you all.

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