Chapter 27 - New Beggining

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Yuris pov:

"I can't believe that seonghwa almost hit you" taehyun said giving me a side hug and placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "they're not worth your friendship" yeonjun spoke as he placed down a tray of food on the table as we sat down. "well I have you guys" I said with a smile, trying to hide my sadness.

"WOOYOUNG!" I heard someone yell. I turned around and saw seonghwa, angry making his way up to wooyoung.

"hey, what's wrong" wooyoung answered but, seonghwa picked woo up by his shirt, pulling him out of his chair and threw him on the floor. I wanted to intervien, but this time I decided to focus on myself and let ateez do Thier own thing.

"what the fuck are you doing seonghwa" the captain yelled as he tryed to get up to stop the fight but kyungmi took a hold of him, sitting him back down.

"this prick, fucking deserves it" the black haired boy said, punching wooyoung in the face. "what the fuck did I do" wooyoung yelled as he tryed to fight back but seonghwa was to strong.

"shit" I muttered under my breath as I stood up to get a better look of the chaos. "what is it" soobin asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Thier fighting becuase of me" I answered soobin, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"you fuck our friend and you act like nothing happened, YOU HURT HER!" seonghwa yelled as he threw more punches at the black and blonde haired boy which he tryed to dodge.

"you fucked yuri" sanghee asked wooyoung, with tears in her eyes. "it was a mistake" wooyoung answered, pushing seonghwa of him and standing up, "I was drunk, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry".

Hearing wooyoungs words hurt me a little, but I understood that it was a mistake that me and him have commited and we can't take it back.

"your a fuck boy, your apology means nothing" seonghwa said angrily, staring down his orea haired friend. "sanghee, let's go" wooyoung spoke as he reached out to his new victim.

"he's going to play you too" seonghwa vocalised, looking at her with sympathy, but yet she still took his hand. "fuck of seonghwa, your no better then me, to be honest your worse" wooyoung snapped at the older male and walked away with sanghee.

Seonghwas pov:

I watched as wooyoung walked away. I heard a loud sigh ecape from the table i was next to. "ugh, well done super hero, you might want to explain your out burst to a certain someone" san said as he pointed at someone behind me.

I turned around to face the person and I saw yuri, staring at me with disappointment and then I realised, I told everyone something, she really wanted to hide.

"yuri" I mumbled her name, slowly stepping closer but soobin blocked her body, acting like a shield. "don't fucking get close to her" soobin said as he lightly pushed yuri towards the exit.

Soobins pov:

I started escorting yuri to the exit, to take her away from all this drama.

"yuri please, let me talk to you" seonghwa pleaded as he watched the brunette girl disappear.

Until I left the cafeteria, I looked back to look at them one last time. A smirk curled up on my face and I sent a small smile kyungmi's way.


Seonghwas pov:

I stood in place, I didn't move a muscle, I wanted to protect her but yet I lost her because of one stupid move I couldn't control.

"I understand her being mad at woo, but why would she be scared of you" I heard my captain ask, snapping me back into reality. "kyungmi, mirea, you might wanna leave becuase ateez needs to talk" hongjoong mentioned, not once breaking eye contact with me.

I took a seat next to yeosang and Jongho, keeping my eyes on the table. "what did you do" san asked with disappointment laced in his voice and expression. I couldn't handle the pain and guilt i felt for losing her because of me. I knew that it was only right to tell them the truth, even if they would hate me for it.

Yuris pov:

"yuri are you okay" beomgyu asked, rubbing my back. "it'll be okay princess" yeonjun said as tears slowly formed from the pain I felt.

"please don't call me princess" I muttered, missing hearing hongjoong calling me that everyday day. "why" the blonde haired boy asked, surprised that I reacted so coldly to a simple word. "hongjoong used to call me princess" i responded as a single tear found its way down my cheek.

"I have an idea, you and me, hang out after class" soobin said with a wide smile, whipping away my tears.

Yeosangs pov:

"you almost hit her" I yelled, burying my head in my hands from the disappointment I felt towards the elder.

"I got angry okay" seonghwa replyed making me want to rip his head off. "you have a go at wooyoung, but you basically scared away" our maknea said, looking at seonghwa with pure disgust.

"I'm not a big fan of yuri, but even I wouldn't do something like that" yunho said in disbelief. "I know, I fucked up" seonghwa said, placing his head on the table.

"you done more then fuck up, our deal, your broke it" the blonde haired captain snapped at seonghwa as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"hey guys, where's yuri" bangchan asked as he stood next to us with his other members.

"about that" yunho said looking over at our captain who had a look of defeat. "about the deal" seonghwa added as he fiddled around with his rings from the amount of guilt he must have felt.

"where the fuck is she" felix snapped, slamming his hands on the table next to hongjoong.

"she's with txt"...

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