Chapter 30 - The Archery Competition

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Jongho's pov:

It was the day of the archery competition and I was in the boys changing rooms, preparing myself for the big event.

"hey man, you ready" Yunho asked, patting my back with his huge hand. "yeah, you" I answered, picking up my bow and putting it around my back."I'm a little stressed, but I know we'll win" he said laughing and I joined in.

"do you think that yuri will show up" I asked a bit nervous becuase seeing her with the crowed cheering me on, means a lot me. "she will, i know it" Yunho said with a fake smile on his face.

"okay boys, it's time to go, get your bows and arrows and to the bus" our couch yelled as he rushed us so that we don't get late.


We arrived at Hybe academy were the competition is taking place. Me and Yunho still had 30 minutes until the start of the tournament, so we went to go see ateez and stray kids.

"you guys seen yuri yet" I asked with big hope that she could be here somewhere. "no sorry Jongho" Mingi muttered, probably hoping that I didn't hear him becuase his words hurt, a lot.

"there's still a lot of time left, maybe she'll come" Seonghwa spoke with a small smile, placing a hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

"I hope she comes, i missed out on having fun with Sanghee to talk to her after this competition" Wooyoung scoffed, pissing me of becuase of his rude attitude towards this seroiuse situation.

"seriously wooyoung, Sanghee can wait, but the truth can't" yeosang snapped with a serious tone, hitting wooyoung around the back of his head.

"Choi, Jeong, the competition is about to begin" the couch yelled. We all said goodbye to each other as me and Yunho made our way to win this for KQ academy.


My bow was in my hands and the arrow was pointing in the direction of the target. I looked behind me at the crowd of people and yuri was still no where to be seen. I turned back to look at the target and I let go, letting the arrow fly and hit the center of the target.

"1 point to KQ academy" I heard the judge say as my couch and team cheered for me.

"great job Jongho" Yunho screamed as he hugged me tight from excitement. "yuri still isn't here" I mentioned, looking down at my feet. Yunho turned around to look at the crowed and there was no sign of the brunette.

Hongjoong's pov:

I watched as the maknea scored the target, I cheered and screamed, hugging wooyoung from the happiness I felt for seeing Jongho score the center.

"what did I miss" I heard a female voice say from behind me. I turned around to see, "yuri".

I wrapped my hands around her body, happy to see that she made it. "you made it" Seonghwa spoke, also giving her a tight hug. "of course I did, I wouldn't miss this for the world" she mentioned with a bright gummy smile.

Jongho's pov:

KQ and Hybe academy where tied with 5 points, I was the last one to shoot, withing me laid the chance of winning this and going back to KQ with 6 points.

"concentrate Jongho" I whispered, steadying my hands on the bow. I tried to concentrate on the target but my mind was clouded with yuri and the fact that she isn't here.

I turned around to look at the crowd one last time and that's when I saw her. Her smile was so bright as she cheered for me, standing next to hongjoong.

"you came" I whispered, turning back at the target and releasing the arrow.

Screams where heard all around the arena as I watched my couch and team running towards me with victory visable on thier faces.

"KQ ACADEMY WINS" I heard the judge scream into his mic as Yunho listed me up, celebrating our win.


Yuris pov:

"you made it" Jongho said as he hugged me tightly and lifted me of the ground, spinning me around and placing me back down. "and you won" I said, cupping his cheeks from happiness and excitement.

"and I thought you wouldn't show up" Yunho said, patting my head like if I was a dog. "you think to low of me Jeong Yunho" I said, laughing and the others joined in.

"okay enough of the celebration, we need to talk" Hongjoong said in a serious tone. I looked at ateez and they all looked serious, I looked behind me and saw stray kids standing there with Thier eyes placed on me.

"what about" I questioned looking at them all individually.

"the truth"...


I don't know much about archery, so I'm sorry if I got something wrong.

Also, thank you so much for 1.09k reads, I happy knowing that all of you are enjoying and reading my book <3

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. <3

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