Chapter 10 - Jeong Yunho

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Yunho's pov:

I was in the infermary dieing from the amount of pain I felt, but the strongest pain wasn't from the punches felix threw on me, but seeing yuri in pain and suffering.

I felt something towards yuri i have never felt before and it scared me. It was strong, all I wanted to do was protect her, kiss her, love her, have her to myself.

"I'm going to hed out, you're free to stay here with Miss. Chang and rest Mr. Jeong" the first aid lady said and walked out.

I looked over at yuri and I see that she's crying and it breaks me, all I want to do is hold her and tell her everything will be okay, that I'll protect her, but I can't. I think I love her but it's impossible.

"yuri" I mutter over to her and she looks at me quickly whipping away her tears. "you should rest" is all she said.


Yuri left and I was alone in the infermary, everytime I closed my eyes all I could see was yuri. I could see her beautiful smooth skin with a bright smile, her eyes sparkeld and her chocolate coloured hair swayed in the wind. I think I fell in love, but I can't love her.

All this time alone I thought about yuri and what I could do to stop loving her and that's when it hit me. "I have to hate her" I say getting up of the chair I was sitting on. I get up of the chair and walk to the mirror which was hanging on a wall looking at my bruised body.

"if hateing her is the only option, I'll do it no matter how much it hurts" I say to my reflection, tears threating to escape.


I missed out two of my lessons and it was now lunch so I left the infermary and made my way to the cafetiria. I see all my friends and yuri sitting at the table enjoying thier food. How am I supposed to hate her when she's the most beautiful person on this planet.

I walk over to them taking a seat in between jonho and mingi. "how are you feeling" hongjoong asked, "I'm okay" I say in response. I really wanted to look over at yuri but I decided not to as I was afraid it might make my feeling's stronger so I proceeded to eat my sandwich focusing my gaze on the table.

"we all decided to skip last lesson becuase of what happened, you wanna join" yuri said and I choked on my food. "you're skipping" I ask laughing at what she said. She looked a little sad becuase of my remark which made me feel bad but I had to keep this image to forget about these feelings and banish her from my brain and heart.

"are you coming or not" hongjoong snaps at me, probably getting mad about me laughing at yuri. I nod in response to the leaders question and we make our way out the school.


"so yuri, when are you going to wear the dress i got you" I hear San say over to yuri, I turn around to see San having his hand around yuri's waist as they walked and seeing that really angered me. "tomorrow, I promise" she said giggling.

We were all sitting on the grass at a park and I distanced myself a little from the others.

"why are you sitting here all alone, come join us" yuri asked and I srug my shoulders wishing for her to leave me alone. "yunho, is everything okay", I don't respond to her, I don't even look at her but I felt her place her soft hand on mine and my heart skipped a beat but shattered as soon as I yelled at her.

"just leave me alone!", I get up and everyone looks at me, "yunho calm down, she didn't do anything wrong" Jongho says, I turn my gaze back to yuri to see her staring at me with shock and questioning.

"I'm going home" I remark leaving and not looking back. "yunho wait" I hear san yell out from behind me. I felt someone grab my shoulder, i turn around to see san looking at me in shock becuase of how I acted.

"what's gotten into you" san said and again I just shruged my shoulders. "yunho please don't give me the silent treatment" san said placing his hand on my shoulder which I pushed of. "go talk to Yuri about her pretty dress" I snap at him, leaving them all disappointed in my behaviour.

If only they knew that I'm doing this becuase I fell in love with someone I can't have.


Sorry for the short chapter I just didn't know what else I could write to make it better.

I hope you like it though <3

Also please stream Guerilla and all the other songs becuase these boys rocked this :)

What's your fave song from the new album cuz mine is the ring <3

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