Chapter 41 - Ill Always Love You

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Yuris pov:

"no matter who you pick, I'll always love you".

I heard those words repeat in my head as I sat in the corner of my bathroom, crying at the thought of what my friends felt towards me.

"yuri honey, you'll be late for school" my mother said as she knocked on the bathroom door. I looked down at the pills that were in my hand, putting them back into Thier container. I washed my face from all the tears and exited the bathroom to be met with my mother's beautiful smile.


I was in the cafeteria, seated with Itzy and all I thought about were hongjoongs words. 'no matter who you pick, I'll always love you'.

I stared down at my food, letting a single tear drop fall on to my rice.

"hey yuri, is everything okay" yuna asked, looking at me with a worried expression. "yeah, you haven't been yourself lately" chaeryeong said as she cupped my cheek and whipped away my tear.

"I'm fine" I replyed as I turned around to look at the 8 boys who were sitting together in silence. "I'm gonna go to the library" I said as I packed my stuff and headed to the exit of the cafeteria.

I was walking though the corridors, keeping my head low. "yuri" I heard a female voice say, so I changed my gaze from the floor to the female in front of me.

"what do you want" I said in a strict voice as I wasn't in the mood for kyungmis games. "awww, what happened princess, or can only hongjoong call you that" she snapped in a child like voice making me roll my eyes.

"whatever happened to you, don't put it on me" she said. I tryed to walk away but she grabbed my wrist, pulling me back and pushing me into a locker.

"don't walk away when I'm speaking to you" she yelled, killing me with her gaze. I let out a giggle as I replyed, "or what you going to do, hit me".

Her fist collided with my face causing me imense pain In my jaw and cheek. A single tear cut my bruised cheek from the pain but, I played strong letting out a tiny laugh.

"I don't know what you planning yuri, but me and soobin arnt done with you, I'll make your life a living hell" she said as she walked off. I screamed as I punched the locker from anger, bruising my knuckles and flinching from the pain.


Seonghwas pov:

"do you think yuri hates us" Jongho asked as he played with his food. "no, we just need to give her some time to think" I replyed, looking at the chocolate hair coloured girl who was leaving the cafereria.

"what is there to think about" wooyoung said as he fixed his gaze on me. "she has kyungmi and soobin constantly bullying her and now us, there's a lot to think about" I replyed with an empathetic voice, making wooyoung change his gaze to the table again.

"I miss her" mingi muttered, lifting his head up of the table and resting it on his palms.

"I miss her to" hongjoong replyed as a single tear escaped and fell down his cheek.

"me too, but I'm going to respect the fact she needs time, even though I need her so much" I said softly, letting my head slowly fall onto the table.

"eww, stop being so lovey dovey" wooyoung said as he pretended to throw up. "eyy, shut up, your no better" I replyed as I shot my head from the table, death staring him.


Yuris pov:

I was in my bed staring at the ceiling when I got a call from wooyoung. I didn't want to pick up so I ignored it, but he wouldn't stop.

After the 7th call, I hesitated to pick up but I answered the call, lifting the phone to my ear and listening to what he had to say.

"yuri, I know you probably need time, but I'm outside your house, can we talk"


"please, I just want to make sure your okay"

I hanged up the call and made my way to the front door, opening it to see wooyoung standing there with a weak smile.

"come in, my perants arnt home" I said as I moved away to let him inside my house.

He was seated on the sofa and I walked up to him, setting the two glasses of water on the coffee table and taking a seat beside him.

"how are you" he asked, breaking the silence between us. "I don't know" I replyed with all honesty, letting the silence hit us again.

The silence became to unbearable so I broke it with a question that came to my mind.

"why do you like me if your dating sanghee" I asked and wooyoung chocked on his water, placing the glass down and looking at me.

"I started dating her to forget about you and... That night" he replyed with a sad voice causing my eyes to widen at the sudden information i was not expecting.

"I like you so much, but I just wouldn't be able to treat you right" he added as a tear fell down his rosie cheek.

"wooyoung, your a great guy" I said, looking down at my trembling hands, cursing myself for starting this conversation.

"I have 7 boys to compete with, they would treat you better then I ever would" he said with a giggle. I wanted to say something but he cut me to it.

"I mean, there's seonghwa who is so romantic and head over heals for you, also yunho and Jongho who are strong and would protect you..." he chocked out as tears fell down his face. "hongjoong and san who would treat you like a princess and mingi, also yeosang who is every girls dream boyfriend" he added... "and who am I".

I turned my gaze to him, watching his tears stain his puffy, red cheeks. I cupped his cheeks, whipping away the tears with my thumb and giving his a weak but genuine smile.

"your special to me, unique, don't look down on yourself becuase in my eyes... Your perfect".

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