Chapter 51 - Forgiveness

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Yuris pov:

Lunch was over so i was slowly making my way to class with a smile on my face.

"yuri" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and regretted even stopping as I wasn't in the mood to talk to the black haired person in front of me.

"what do you want" I said with a harsh tone as she looked at me with a sad expression, stepping closer to stand in front of me.

"I want to apologise, for everything I done" kyungmi muttered causing pure shock to apear on my face.

"I was really jelouse of you, so I guess that made me go a little insane" she added with a small and quite giggle.

I was frozen in shock as I looked at the girl in front of me, not one word could leave my mouth as she carried on with her apology.

"I was heart broken that for 3 years I loved someone who could never love me back, but he loved you in just under a week".

Guilt filled my heart as I looked at her hreat broken expression, thinking of the words I could say to make things better but nothing come to my head, so she just carried on speaking.

"I'm sorry that I Iet my jealousy take over yuri, I hope you can forgive me" she muttered and a small smile found its way to my lips.

"I forgive you" I said and kyungmi shot her head up, looking at me with wide, glossy eyes. "I understand that you felt hurt becuase of me, I never intended to cause so much drama and neither did you, so I forgive you" I added and kyungmi run into my arms, wrapping herself around my body as tears fell down her face and on to my top.

"thank you so much, I promise to be a better person" she said as she let go of me, showing me a bright smile that wamred my heart.

A little giggle left my lips as I said, "you and me will be great friends". She froze as she looked at me with wide eyes, her smile getting wider and wider every second.

"I would love to be your friend and ill also make sure to apologise to ateez personally" she mentioned, giving me a nother tight hug that this time I returned.

"ill also make sure that soobin leaves you and ateez alone" she said and I nodded, thanking her for her sincere apology.

As the conversation came to an end kyungmi was about to walk away, but I still had one more important thing to say.

"kyungmi, let me give you some friendly advice" I yelled out to her causing her to turn around and look at my serious expression.

"you deserve better then soobin, he'll hurt you too" I said and kyungmi nodded, walking away to which I followed, aslo walking away to my next class.


"YURI! You won't believe what just happened to us" san yelled as him and the others run up to me with puzzled and shocked expressions.

"you won't believe what happened to me too" I added, looking at the 8 men with a smile on my face.

"go on then, you go first" mingi said, looking at me with interest as I was about to talk.

"kyungmi apologiesed to me" I said and the boys started laughing causing me to look at them with confusion.

"she apologiesed to us too" Yunho said as he pat his leg a couple of times becuase he was laughing to hard.

"did you forgive her" i asked and all the boys immediately stopped laughing and looked at me with serious expressions.

"of course not, did you" wooyoung said as the others nodded with agreement.

"of course I did" I replyed, feeling a strong pain at the back of my head which caused me to look at hongjoong angrly.

"what was that for" I muttered as I rubbed the back of my head as his smack hurt, a lot.

"are you insane, why would you forgive her after what she's done" he yelled and the others nodded.

"becuase I understand her, she was hurt" I yelled back at my friend as I pointed my index finger at him angrly.

"hurt, her hurt, I wonder how princess" he snapped back, turning around to look at the others, laughing at my words.

"becuase she loved you for 3 years and you never loved her back, you used her" I yelled causing hongjoong to go completely silent.

He slowly turned his figure back in my direction with shock plastered on his face as he wasn't expecting those words to excit my mouth.

"ohhh, get roasted" wooyoung yelled causing san to glare at the prep haired boy with threating look.

"your not any better woo as your the one who convinced hongjoong to the relationship" I added with a stern facial expression, watching him turn his gaze down to the ground.

"your to kind yuri and that's why I love you" hongjoong said as he gave me a side hug and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"okay thats enough, I want to eat" seonghwa said as he pushed hongjoong of me causing a small giggle to exit my mouth.

"we should all go grab some tteokbokki" yeosang said to which we all nodded, setting our destination on a tteokbokki place.


"i just want... You guys to know, that I - i... I love you" mingi mumbled as he threw his two hands over hongjoongs and yeosangs shoulders.

"I knew we shouldn't have ordered soju" yunho complained as he looked at his drunk nest friend with annoyance.

"the worst thing is, we wont be able to hear yuris song" wooyoung mentioned as he placed his head on the table.

"we can just do that tomorrow" I said with a smile as I looked at wooyoung who was fast asleep, drooling on the table.

"well it's pretty late, make sure to get the drunkies home safe" I said as I got up of my chair, looking at the nods of agreement from my 8 friends.

"ill take you home" seonghwa said and i quickly covered my cheeks with my palms as they went completely red.

"Park Seonghwa, don't you dare run away from helping us getting them back home" the maknae snapped and I giggled as I pulled seonghwa out the bar, away from the angry boys that had to deal with the drunkies.

"thank you for saving me from them" seonghwa said as he stepped in front of me, cupping my cheeks and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"you welcome, now take me home as you said you would" I said with a small giggle.

Seonghwa interlocked his hand in mine as he walked through the dimly lit streets, admiring every little star in the sky as we slowly made our way to mine.


Me and seonghwa walked all the way back to mine in silence with our hands intertwined and smiles on our faces.

"looks like this where I have to say good bye" he said as he let go of my hand and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear with a small, adorable smile.

"good night" he whispered, placing a soft kiss on my forehead which caused my cheeks to go red.

"why don't you come in for a bit" I asked, looking up at him with cute puppy eyes to which his smile only grew wider.

"your to cute" he muttered causing my heart to skip a beat and a smile to appear on my face.

I grabbed his hand, pulling him into my house as I wasn't ready to say good bye to him just yet.


3 more chapters left :(

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