Chapter 7 - Stay Away

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I was finally at KQ academy and I saw the boys waiting for me at the gates. "hello there, princess" hongjoong said giving me a hug but quickly letting go when he saw kyungmi.

"hey babe" He said placing a kiss on kyungmi's forehead, "hi, can you walk me to class" she said sending daggers into my soul with her eyes. "of course, I'll catch you guys later" he says walking of hand in hand with kyungmi.

"so how was dinner" wooyoung asks wrapping his hand around me, I looked at him confused. "oh no, he didn't tell you, yeosang literally had to message us because he didn't know how to speak to you, he said you looked really hot, I wish I was there".

I look other at yeosang and he looked as red as a tomato, I giggled at how stupid wooyoung was earning a slap at the back fo his head from yunho. "stop it, your making yeosang blush" wooyoung yelleped at the sudden attack and touched the back of his head.

"I actually really enjoyed last night, it was nice to see a familiar face" i look over at yeosang and he shyly smiles.


I was about to walk into English when I felt someone grab my wrist and aggressively slam my back again the wall in the hallway.

"your getting to close yuri, I don't like it" kyungmi said trapping me from leaving. "what do you want" I say making sure i don't sound scared. "stay away from hongjoong, Princess" she said slapping me round the face so hard I swear my cheek was blood red. She went into class and I went in a while after her.

I was sitting in my seat waiting for the teacher to arrive when hongjoong took a seat beside me. "is everything okay, your cheek is really red" he asked looking at my bruised cheek. "I'm okay, go back to your seat" I say coldly, which broke my heart becuase I hated being mean to him, but atleast he listened and left me alone.


Lesson was over and me and hongjoong walked out of class making our way to the cafeteria when kyungmi stopped him. "babe, can i talk to you for a second" she asks pouting which looked cringe, "yeah, yuri go withought me, tell the boys I'll be there in a bit" I nod at him walking of.

I made it to the cafeteria and I sat down in between Jongho and san. "where's hongjoong" mingi asks looking for a sign of his silver haired friend. "he's talking to kyungmi" I say in an irritated way that I don't think they noticed.

"OH MY GOD!" Jongho yells grabbing my face with his hand and looking for any sign of brusing. "who hit you" he askes slowly letting go. "no one, I'm fine". I lie not wanting to tell them it was kyungmi becuase they wouldn't believe me.

"yuri don't lie to us" seonghwa said taking a close look at my bruised cheek. "I'm fine okay" I yell getting up and walking off to the girls rest room.


Hongjoongs pov:

"what's wrong" I ask wrapping my hands around her waist, "yuri is what's wrong" she says and I let her go walking a couple steps back.

"any girl I'm friends with is wrong for you" I snap at her angry that she has to be the only girl in my life.

"it's not like that, why do you call her princess, she's not your girlfriend, I am" she says with sadness in her voice, and even though I know that's her way to manipulate me, her fake sadness gets me every time.

"sorry baby, I'll stop" I say giving her a tight hug, "I'm gonna go see my friends now, but I'll take you out somewhere after class okay" I say placing a kiss on her forehead and she nods walking of happily to her two friends.


I was in the cafetiria when I realised yuri wasn't with the boys.

"where's yuri" I ask sitting in between mingi and wooyoung, "we dont know, she stormed of after we asked if someone hit her" jonghos said looking at yuris not touched tray of food which san was now munching on. "that's yuris" Jongho said sending san a death stare.

"I'll go look for her, I don't want her to be hungry" yunho said grabbing her a juice carton and a muffin from her tray.


Yuris pov:

I walked out the women's restroom and accidentally bumped into hyunjin. Hyunjin always hated me for some reason but he would always pretend to like me around the others.

"whatch were your going freak" he says lightly pushing me out of the way. "I'm sorry" I mutter quietly and he laughs. "yuri, didn't know I would bump into you" he says jokingly, grabbing my bag and spilling all the contents on the floor.

He gives me back my bag and I slowly start picking up my stuff. "what a shame your with ateez now, I kinda miss you" he said laughing, kicking my books away from me.

"leave her alone" I hear a low voice say from behind me and I didn't dare to turn around and see who it belonged to.

"sorry, bye yuri" hyunjin says leaving and kicking my maths book when I was about to pick it up. "let me help you" I see yunho placing a carton of juice and a muffin on the floor to help me pick up all my belongings.

"what a dickhead" he says passing me my bag and I took it with a smile. "thank you" I say, "it's okay, I bought you food, I didn't want you to be hungry" he says passing me my blueberry muffin and my ornage juice.

"I'm sorry that we made you mad, can we make it up to you" yunho says looking at me with a sad expression. "I'm not mad, really, it's okay" I say making my way to my next lesson as break was over.

"no please, I'd like to, tomorrow is a free day, what do you say we all hang out" yunho suggests and I nod causing him to smile brightly.

"great, I'll talk to the others".

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