Chapter 33 - Cheaters

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Soobins pov:

I was seated in the cafeteria, with my friends, waiting for yuri to show up.

"yuri" I shouted over to her, waving my hand so she could see where we were, but she ignored it, walking over to where ateez were seated.

"what's up with her" Kai asked, watching yuri as she sat next to yeosang and seonghwa. "good question" I said angry, clenching my jaw and covering my mouth with my hand.

"maybe she missed them and she wants to sit with them" yeonjun mentioned making me glare at him. "yeonjun, shut the fuck up, I'll let her off today" I snapped, getting up from my seat and making my way to the exit.

Yuris pov:

I let out a big sigh as I took my seat next to yeosang and seonghwa. "how long is this going to last" I complained, dramatically letting my head fall onto the table.

"yuri, its only been a day" san said, passing me a water bottle which I kindly declined. "a day of still dating a monster" I said, emphesising the word 'monster'. "just let me break up with him already" I said turning around to look at soobin who was leaving the cafeteria.

"we just want you to be safe" Jongho said with a worried expression, picking up his bag and standing up. "ill be safe... When you let me break up with him" I repeated, glaring at Jongho who wasn't even looking at me but at the table.

"I'm going, I don't want to be late for class" he said, making his way out the cafeteria. "but we still have 20 minutes left" mingi screamed, making us all giggle.

Soobins pov:

"what happened, yuri doesn't like you anymore" I heard kyungmi say from behind me as her hands slowly found Thier way to my shoulders. "why the fuck was she with my boyfriend today" she said, turning me around to look at her, he nails digging into my skin.

"I don't know, I think they told her... Everything" I answered, looking down at her glowing brown eyes. "if she knows everything, then our plan is ruined" she said with panic in her voice.

She let go of my shoulders, stepping back and turning around, no longer looking at me. I slowly walked over to her, turning her back around, cupping her cheek and lightly pressed my lips against hers.

"don't worry, I have a back up plan"

Jongho's pov:

I stood there, behind a corner, shocked by what I just witnessed and heard.

"how could you be this jealous" I whispered to myself, disappointed in kyungmi for cheating on hongjoong, but for also going against us.



We need to talk!

It's ergant!

What's up

Are you okay?


Meet me at the garage
after classes

We'll be there


Classes where over and I was sitting on a bean bag, waiting for my friends to arrive.

"alright Jongho, spill the tea" Yunho said as he walked in with the others. "you guys might want to pour yourselves a drink" I said patiently waiting for them to get ready for the news.

"all right, speak" mingi said as he took a sip of his bakardi. "least bad news or not least bad news first".

"Jongho just tell us what's going on" seonghwa yelled, slamming his tequila on the coffee table. "okay, okay" I muttered under my breath, taking a big sip of my whiskey and finally spilling the tea.

"I saw kyungmi with soobin" I said, looking at all of them, one by one. "and... Did they do something" wooyoung asked, leaning closer to me. "they kinda... Kinda, kissed" I muttered quietly, waiting for hongjoongs reaction.

"WHAT!" he yelled, slamming his whiskey on the table to the point the glass shattered and cut his palm.

"hongjoong, that's not all" I said as yeosang passed him a towel to cover his bleeding hand. "they are plotting against yuri together" I said and he punched the wall, causing san to stand up and stop him from hurting himself even more.

"I fucking new it" he said, as he breathed heavily, taking a seat and a big sip of my whiskey.

"we need to keep her away from txt and kyungmi" hongjoong said, clenching his jaw and turning his hands into fists.

"we can't protect her forever" mingi said, looking at his captain with pity. "well I fucking will, becuase she's more then just a friend to me" he yelled at mingi, standing up and looking at all of us.

"what do you mean" wooyoung mumbled with a sort of pain in his voice.

"I like her okay" hongjoong said and as soon as he did san and yunho looked at each other in disbelief. "we like her too" Yunho mentioned, causing san to look at him with surprise.

"you like her too, I thought you hate her" he said, "I never hated her, I just wanted to stop liking her" Yunho answered with a sad expression from the pain he must have caused her.

"wait, do we all like her" wooyoung asked looking puzzled, taking a big sip of his vodka. "don't tell me you like her too when your dating sanghee" mingi said looking at him surprised.
"i dont actually like her, wait do you like yuri too" wooyoung asked and mingi nodded in reply to his question.

"so... We all like Chang Yuri" yeosang asked and we all nodded whilst taking big sips of our drinks at the same time.

"are we, all going to fight, over her" I asked, afraid that this could be the end of our friendship.

"no matter what, we will be happy for each other, no matter who she chose, deal" hongjoong said, raising his fresh glass of rum and coke.

"deal" we all answered, whilst raising our glasses to.


Thank u so much for all the people that are reading obsession <3

It got over 2k reads and I honestly had low hopes for this book so it's crazy seeing how well its doing.

I'm so greatful for all the readers that are support my stories and I hope that u are enjoying obsession so far and will also enjoy future stories :)

Okay ill let u all move on to the next chapter.

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