Chapter 26 - Regret & Betreyal

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I woke up, the first thing I thought about was last night, what I've done, why I done it? And how much I regretted it.

I sat in my bed and I realised that wooyoung was gone. "great, I got played by my own friend, yuri your such an idiot" I yelled at myself, falling back into bed, deciding on not attending school today.

Wooyoungs pov:

I was walking through the halls. making my way to the cafeteria, cursing myself for what I've done yesterday night.

"hey wooyoung" I heard a girl say. I felt her lightly tap my back so I stopped and turned around to face her.

"oh sanghee, hi" I said, giving her a fake but real enough smile. "hi how are you" she asked smiling so bright, I could see her cute gummy smile. "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out today" she asked, blushing and even though I didn't want to, my inner fuck boy spoke for me. "sure I'll pick you up at 7" I replyed, cupping her chin and kissing her cheek as I left for the cafeteria.

Yeosangs pov:

I was seated next to san and hongjoong when I realised that we're 10 minutes into lunch and yuri still wasn't here.

"where's yuri" I asked as I looked at the other's. "she wasn't in during music" mingi said, shrugging his shoulders and drinking his apple juice.

"maybe she drunk to much and she's at home sick" wooyoung commented, not looking once at one of our faces. "she was sober, I doubt it" yunho said casually, not caring much about our friend.


Yuris pov:

It was 7pm and I still couldn't get over the regret of what happened between me and wooyoung.


Can I come over

Yeah of course

Is everything okay?


What happened
Read 7:10

I got out of my bed, had a nice warm shower and I got changed into gray sweat pants and an oversized white hoodie. In about 20 minutes I was outside seonghwa door, debating on if I should knock or not.

'knock knock'

I stood there waiting and in a couple of seconds the door opened to reveal seonghwa standing on the other side.

"hey, come in, is everything okay" he asked. I went inside, throwing myself into his arms and crying whilst he brushed his fingers through my hair, humming a sweet melody to calm me down.

After I calmed down me and him sat on his couch so I could tell him what happened.

"so are your ready to talk to me" he said calmly as he brushed his thumb lightly on my hand. I nodded, telling him what I done and how much I regret it.


"what happened after he kissed you, did you stop him yuri" he said, standing up, pacing back and forth around his living room. I sat there is silence, fiddling with my promise ring.

"yuri" he said, stopping in front of me and looking at me with an worried expression. I sat there afraid of telling him the truth but, I trusted him the most.

"we slept together" I mumbled, burying my head in my hands as I couldn't look him in the eyes in that moment. "WHAT!" he yelled, leaving me and going to the kitchen. I followed after him as tears threatened to escape.

"seonghwa, your the only one I trusted to tell" I said, standing in the door way of the kitchen. "he's a fuck boy yuri, why would you hurt yourself like that!" he addressed loudly causing me to jump a little.

"seonghwa, I'm sorry, I..."

I tried to grab his hand and apologise but he pushed me away, interrupting what I was going to say. "you what, YOU WHAT YURI!" he screamed, picking up a mug and throwing it at a wall. I got scared of the sudden comosion but I wanted to calm him down.

"seonghwa please, calm down" I yelled as tears stained my cheeks. "calm down, you fucking...".

I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, but his hand never reached my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw him on the floor, in a corner, looking at his hands with tear drops falling on to them.

"you should leave" he muttered loud enough for me to hear. He didn't lose the gaze he had on his hands, "seonghwa...". I tryed to get closer to him but he yelled, scaring me.


I run away, hoping he would be okay, without me.


I run into the dark streets which were lit by the stars and street lights, the rain drops mixed with my tears as they cut my cheeks. I fell to the ground, I couldn't believe that he wanted to hit me, I hated myself for making him so angry. Everything was my fault.

Wooyoungs pov:

"hey isn't that yuri" I asked, looking at a brown Haired girl, which was crying on the ground.

"yeah, I think it is" sanghee said as she pulled lightly on my hand. "are you coming" she asked as it started raining harder and we needed to seek shelter. "yeah, she probably wouldn't want to see me anyway".

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