Chapter 15 - Song Mingi

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Mingi's pov:

"I'm sorry" I say weakly. I tryed to move but as soon as I stood up my legs failed and I crumbled to the ground. Yuri tryed to catch me but she couldn't get to me on time.

"I'm sorry, I tryed to stop him" yuri said kneeling down next to me. "so this is what he meant" I laughed lightly looking at the ground. I tryed to get up, yuri realised that I was struggling so she helped me up. "all this becuase I pushed him" i said laughing and yuri just looked at me concerned, "what a prick" I said taking a seat on a bench with yuris help.

"my house isn't to far from here, can you, please, help me get home" I ask yuri. She nodded helping me get back up.

She wrapped her hand around my waist and threw one of my hands around her neck, making me steady and making the walk to my house easier.


"thank you for helping me" I said throwing myself onto the couch, wincing and panting from the pain I was in.

Yuri was standing not to far away from the couch looking at me worriedly. "ill be okay, don't worry about me" I said, but her expression didn't change. "do you have a first aid kit" she asked shyly and I nod, "in the bathroom" I said pointing her in the direction of my bathroom as I was to weak to take her there.

2 minutes have passed and yuri returned with the first aid kit, taking out some bandages, tissues, antiseptic wipes and more to clean and check my wounds.

She first helped me with my cut lip and bleeding nose, cleaning all the dry blood and cuts to stop any infection. "is it okay if you take of your shirt so that I could see the wounds" she said shyly which made a small smile appear on my face.

I tried to take it of myself but the pain I felt was unbearable. "can you help me" I mutter and she nods slowly taking my shirt of so that she doesn't hurt me.

My chest was covered in purple and blue bruises which were surrounded by cuts and some terrible wounds. "what did he do to you" she said placing her hand on one of the bruises, "deos it hurt" she asked and I flinched from the contact.

Her touch was so gentle and calming, her fingers slowly caressed my chest. She helped me feel no pain, it was like if I never got hurt. I tryed to look away but all I focused on was her touch, her smile, every little detail, from her hair, to her eyes, her skin and more. She was beautiful, like an angel. Her touch was so soft and soothing i wish it could stay like this forever.

I don't know how long I was staring for but as soon as she finished checking my wounds she looked up at me. Our eyes met, I felt my cheeks burning up so I quickly looked away. What are you doing to me yuri.

"your all done, you should rest up, felix really messed you up" she said putting the unused items back in the first aid kit. "thank you" I said putting my shirt back on and giving her a huge smile. "I should get going, don't work yourself to much today, okay" she said and I nodded leading her to the exit of my house.


As soon as yuri left I headed into the bathroom to have a nice warm shower with some hope that it'll help me relax and forget about the terrible pain im still in.

I took my clothes of, looking at my reflection in the mirror. The cuts and bruises looked terrible, they made me feel weak, but jusr remembering yuris gentle touch and her hands on my chest made me see something i have never seen when looking in the mirror before. I saw a smile, a bright smile all becuase of a girl I think I feel fell in love with.

Chang Yuri.

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