Chapter 7 : The Trial

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Natalie has been bedridden for about two days because Lord Apollo is more concerned than ever. Duchess Valimos and Marquess Hector have been on the lookout for signs that the Countess or the Duchess have awakened. Perhaps Hera's inability to recover quickly results from the shock she's experienced. Unfortunately, there is still no sign of consciousness for either woman, so the nobles are betting on who will control which factions.

If the House of Smith were to take the fall for the attempted murder of the Crown Princess, it would be their advantage. After all, the Duchess of Light's wealth and influence are not to be trifled with. But since the assassin blackmailed him a few nights ago, Count Harren is powerless even though he desperately wants to dominate the House of Smith. With that, his faction cannot do anything but hope the Duchess of Light to gain consciousness.

The Duchess of Valimos was seen sitting in her study, presumably doing Duchessly things. She occasionally waited for a knock on the door to be informed that Natalie or Hera had woken up. She doesn't know why she went to Harren's estate in an attempt to rescue Natalie. Duchess Valimos could have asked Hector or someone else to do it, but doing it herself is genuinely remarkable. Medea was startled out of her reverie by a knock on the door.

"Pardon me, my Lady. Both Duchess Natalie and Countess Hera have been awake. The Imperial Palace has requested that the Header of the House immediately arrive at the palace for the trial," Keira emerges from the door, informing the news of her beloved Duchess.

The Duchess thanked her and immediately dismissed Keira. Finally, the moment has arrived for her to save both women. She must do so at all costs.

Medea is among the first to arrive among the nobility. She does nothing but stands on the corner and observe the urgent trial. Meanwhile, the other nobles are engaged in a heated discussion. While some maintain that the Duchess of Light is entirely blameless, others disagree. With the influence of the Smith family, Natalie could have planned and executed everything, except that she was just caught in the act. The Marquess has also arrived and is spending some private time with Lady Medea. The usual Duchess Valimos doesn't like to ramble and only speaks when she absolutely must.

That being the case, the Marquess goes up to her to introduce himself. Duchess raises her head and listens intently to what Hector has to say. Of course, an average person would feel insignificant under such scrutiny, but Hector is used to it. The Marquess gives her a pleasant expression and then asks about the upcoming trial. However, they cannot continue the conversation because too many people are present. Therefore, they have returned to their previous state of silence.

"My Lady, can we--"

"Your patience and willingness to wait for the trial are greatly appreciated. The nobles are now permitted to sit tight for the impending arrival of His Majesty at the court," the Imperial Knight informed the others, and Hector was cut before he could finish his sentence.

The Duchess walks to the court, seemingly forgetting what the young Marquess is about to say. Her mind is still racing with the formula for devising a strategy. The young man lets out a loud sigh, possibly frustrated by what has happened. He was going to ask Medea if he could assist with the trial in any way. He wants to help out because it will make Lady Medea even happier. When she wins, the Duchess's radiant smile is exactly what he is looking for right now.

Nonetheless, he is powerless to act without Medea's initiative. Count Harren is sweating profusely on the other side of the court. His hands are trembling, and he tries to shake it off, but it doesn't work. Not long after that, the Crown Prince arrived, signalling the start of the trial.

"A few days ago, my fiance was on the verge of being assassinated at a hunting competition. Count Harren and I were passing through some area when we discovered the suspect, Duchess Natalie, with her. The Crown Princess was knocked unconscious by the poison in her wound, whereas Duchess Natalie was unharmed. She was then led to the Palace dungeon to confess her crime. However, the nobles held a meeting and decided it was best to wait for the Crown Princess to awaken and tell us the truth. As a result, the torture against Smith's head was halted. As the Crown Princess and the suspect have awakened, I will delegate the investigation to the Crown Princess," Ares then sits, waiting for Hera to make her opening statement.

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