Chapter 46 : Conflict between two Women

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The news of the introductory food supply price increase has caused an uproar among the commoners and the nobles. In the past, the typical, fundamental ones would cost a person about two silver coins, but as of right now, the price is five silver coins, and soon, it will probably be seven silver coins. So naturally, people complain significantly about it and assert that the providers are taking advantage of them.

People throw rocks at them, but there is nothing else for them to do but purchase them because Harren has a monopoly on that particular market. The nobles believe that the budget for the food has also increased, which is especially problematic for those nobles who own eating establishments such as restaurants, bakeries, or dessert shops. They are crushed by the fact that they have to do that, but they have no choice but to raise the prices of the other food. This can potentially have a domino effect on the food field while squeezing the lives out of ordinary people.

The bread was almost as expensive as a reasonably priced steak in the capital. Some people are even forced to reduce their spending on food or sell everything they own to make ends meet. That is the only strategy available for dealing with the increased number of deals. The situation is brought to the attention of the Imperial Palace.

"The people have increased their demands on the Imperial Palace to take action regarding this matter because the basic supplies have increased. They asserted that the nobles carried out those actions to increase their profits from those activities," the informant said to a man.

His sapphire eyes shine brightly, and he clutches the pen so tightly that he unintentionally snaps it off in his hand. This time, he wore black gloves, but that didn't prevent him from bleeding. The sharp pierce from the pen punctured his hand, so the gloves weren't much help. The informant freezes in his tracks, petrified of the consequences that will befall him. The man was responsible for the deaths of many people the last time, and he vividly remembers collecting the severed heads one at a time and rolling them like balls across the ground.

The man asks, "Other than that?" while simultaneously making the informant flinch out of fear.

" There is a rumour that the Temple has chosen the high priests and is planning a celebration to mark the occasion very soon. The Temple has not made any announcements yet, but it is still a discussion among the priests. Considering that the high priests are selected from among the former Bishops, this is not surprising," after bringing every aspect of himself to bear on the discussion, he concludes.

Prince Ares takes a moment to reflect by closing his eyes and sitting quietly. The informant tries to hide his fear by putting his hands behind his back. He does this so that it won't be as apparent that he is cowering in fear of the person questioning him. After that, Prince Ares cracks a smile and laughs.

"They plan to make a celebration soon? The Imperial Family should show our generosity by giving them a donation. Isn't that right, Julius?" Ares observes Julius' widening eyes as he cowers in fear and looks at the brown eyes that are frightened.

He stumbles in his words as he replies back at the Imperial Prince, "Yes, Your Highness is right."

The Crown Prince dips his finger into his pocket to reach for the handkerchief and then puts it on his hand. Then, he takes off his glove, slowly wrapping it on his wound. It is not hurt, but it is a nuisance that keeps bleeding. Next, his finger reaches down to the drawer, reaching for another pair of gloves and wearing it into his new one.

He smirks, looks at his hand, and chuckles a bit as Julius scrunches his forehead, possibly perplexed by the impulsive behavior.

"Don't you think this is a good day to visit someone?" Ares asks.

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