Chapter 60 : You Are Mine

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People swarm around the notice as the Imperial Knights put an Imperial decree to cooperate with them to search for Hera Nicoli. Nicoli's house was raided, and many of Hera's properties were confiscated. The other side is highly alert to the news, expecting it to be out. But instead, the Imperial Knights here and there are rounding up to search for the criminal.

Medea looks over the documents, trying to ransack her brain about it. It's the most stressful she has ever been for a long time. Aurora and Hector couldn't remember the last time they saw Medea sleep. So, tonight Aurora goes to Medea's room, only to find her at her table, immersing in work. Hera is fine now. Continue to heal and rest at the secret place.

The blonde woman slowly approached Duchess Valimos, putting down a tea and a dessert plate at the table. The amethyst eyes look up for a while, then glance at the drink, and food Aurora brought.

Aurora in her usual demeanour, but her heart breaks a bit when she sees how tired Medea is and how she pushes herself to this extent. At this rate, Medea would burn herself out, and that's the last thing she wants to see right now.

"Have a drink first. Chamomile tea is helpful for relaxation and sleep, while apple pie is your favourite. I put vanilla ice cream on the top," the blonde said, as the ruby eyes could not keep in contact with Medea's.

"Thank you. Leave it there. I'll eat it later," Medea dismisses Aurora's gestures.

Aurora takes her cue as a no, putting her hand over Medea's hand to stop the woman. Duchess Valimos looks annoyed as her amethyst eyes narrow at the blonde woman. No one ever bothers her to do the work except Natalie.

"How long did you skip your meals? It doesn't hurt to stop a while and eat. You will get sick at this point," Aurora said in a soft voice.

"I said I'll eat it later on," Medea said, letting her hand go from Aurora's.

Aurora takes back her hand with determination in her eyes.

"For God's sake, why are you so stubborn?" Aurora brushes her golden hair with her hand.

"Why are you so persistent?" the other woman asks, slightly annoyed at Aurora, who keeps bothering her.

"Of course, it is my business! If you get sick, everyone will be worried about you. Hector, Hera. Can't you see it?" Aurora furrows her forehead, gripping Medea's hand tighter.

Her ruby eyes soften as she realises she raises her voice at Medea, who is not blinking, looking at her sudden outburst. What is wrong with this woman?

"Please, eat first. Overexceeding yourself won't do any good. Just because you're resting doesn't imply you're ignoring your responsibilities. Don't hold it against yourself for what occurred," Aurora says, squeezing Medea's hand.

That's when Medea glances over the blonde's fingers wrapped around with some bandages.

"What happens to your finger?"

"I cut myself," she said, retracting her hand. Then she goes to Medea's side, pulling the woman from the seat.

Duchess Valimos doesn't know what comes over her, but her body complies at that moment. So rest doesn't feel a bad idea at all. She could use the time to rewind up the plan and counter any of it.

"Come on, let's eat," Aurora brings the food to another table.

Aurora sits on the opposite, watching intently at Medea, who is about to feed herself the apple pie. The blonde woman crosses her legs, putting her arm on the armrest, then letting it support her face on the palm of her hand. Come to think about it, she may not have eaten all day, but the apple pie does look appetising.

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