Chapter 51 : You Will Be Next

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A scream called from Phillips, who had just returned from Harren's order telling them that he had found Judas at some places. It turns out the man has been hiding at one of his warehouses. Harren feels like the Guardian of the Angelos has sided with him this time. So many times, he defied the Temple and hated the Pope, but the Guardian never forgot about him.

"He is hiding like a rat," Harren huffed in annoyance.

But, there's one problem even though he already knows about Judas' whereabouts, he can't get out of the house. The house is under the surveillance of Imperial Knights from the outside. So, to get out of this manor is a suicidal mission. First, however, he needs his money from Judas. However, one thing that bugs Harren the most is how Phillips comes to this manor without being stopped by some knights.

"How did you come here?" Harren asks curiously.

"There's a narrow path that the servants use to sneak out from the manor at night secretly around the garden," he explains with a hint of shakiness.

"Are my knights still here?" he turns his head to the butler.

"Yes, my lord,"

Harren crosses his fingers, thinking about what's the possible outcomes. Another two pairs of eyes could only look at him, expecting any orders from the man. Then, after a while, he suddenly slams his hand onto the table, saying, "Prepare the knights to go outside for tonight."

"Yes, my lord---What?" the butler asks after he realises Harren's order.

Harren gives his burning glare on him, as the butler had no choice but to oblige his master's words.

"I shall carry your order now, my Lord," the butler said, leaving the room with Harren and Philips alone.

"You," Harren points at the other man.

"Me?" he nervously asks back.

"You are going to show me the place. And don't forget to prepare to wear the knights' armour as well," the man furrows his brows, not understanding what Harren said.


"Because we are going for a hunt tonight," he smiles wickedly.

The night has come with a few bulky and sturdy men stepping on the branches in the woods, watching over a warehouse. Phillips follows along, barely holding his sword due to many trembles. Harren hisses at the man for being a coward. It is not a big thing. They are just hunting a rat for the night.

The Count orders them to split, wanting to surround the area.

"Three people go to the other side, left and the right side, while you and Philips follow me, to sneak through another route,"

The knights acknowledge his command with a nod and then rush off to implement the strategy. After Harren and the other two have previously been in front of the warehouse, they can slip into the building via a back alley that he is familiar with, and they catch a glimpse of a man loitering inside. Without giving it any further thought, he enters in an instant, only to find Judas casually standing not too far away from him.

"You rat!" he steps further with his sword in hand, wanting to swing it at the traitor.

But, he stops when the knight stops him with a sword threatening to stab his neck. His hand suddenly feel like jelly, so he is holding the sword with all his might.

"Phillips!" he screams at Phillips to help him, but the man goes to Judas' side, lowering his gaze at him.

"Put your sword down! I am your master!" he said, but the knight won't budge from his place and looked at him with a poker face.

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