Chapter 45 : Just Like a Moth drawn to the Flame

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Eryx underestimated how rapidly things would deteriorate in the Temple. It has come time to choose the new high priests; however, most of them will come from the ranks of former bishops like Frederick and Marcus. Thinks about how things came to be the way they were while massaging the Temple of his head.

Felix, one of his subordinates, follows him around, nagging him to not cause any more trouble. The Pope was furious with Eryx for sneaking around the alleys during the assassination incident of the Crassore Empire and Duchess Natalie.

Cardinals are expected to behave in a dignified manner. As opposed to specific individuals who aimlessly wander from place to place with the sole intention of evading capture by the Temple. The Cardinal has the impression that he is suffocating inside there as if something from within the Temple is crawling up his nose and lungs, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"Your Eminence! Where are you going again?" Felix catches his breath as the Cardinal moves too fast with his long legs.

That red-hot man does not say anything. For his mental health, he walks around the Temple's quieter, more private side instead. It's too exhausting to continue. Finally, he realizes he has no choice but to join Medea and Ares in their fight against each other. That he ran the risk of losing everything that he valued very highly. However, it's the only option, and now they have Duchess Natalie on their side.

Felix tries to keep up with him, but he has to hold his chest and catch his breath as he does so. The poor man had just enough ears to hear the wrath of the priest and the Pope, but that was about it. At this point, his level of anxiety may be higher than anyone else's combined.

"Eryx! You are going to be responsible for my death if you continue like this," he stares at the Cardinal with eyes that appear to be heavy with sleep.

In the middle of the stairs, he asked, "Who told you to kill yourself by sticking with me?"

Felix closes his eyes, huffing in anger. This man will definitely be the death of him. After calming himself down and releasing his fist, he talks with the man again.

"People have complained about you sneaking around late at night. There are some rumours you have been in the red light district as well, as you have been tainted by the life before you come to the Temple this time. Can't you please stay low some time?" Felix pleads at the Cardinal.

"No," the Cardinal says with a chuckle.

Felix reaches for his own hair in an attempt to relieve some of the stress he is feeling. He has a burning sensation on his scalp and will go bald if his hair starts falling out.

"You don't realize how serious the accusations are, don't you? If people find out about it, you will.."

"I will what?" the Cardinal looks at the man.

"You are pretty stupid to be a Cardinal, you know?" Felix asks, reaching for Eryx's ear and yanking it out of frustration.


"Ouch! Felix!" he reaches out and slaps Felix's hand away, but it doesn't seem to phase him. Eryx should also feel the same amount of stress that he is experiencing.

Eryx is about to smack Felix in the back of the head when he hears murmurs on the other side of the track and stops. Then, he gets closer to the sounds to listen to their conversations. It sounds like people conversing.

"Isn't it unfair? The high priest selection suppose to be open with all of the candidates within the Temple, and it is almost the previous Bishops fill up the vacancies," the voice lets out his frustration.

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