Chapter 33 : I Lost Myself in a Heat Night

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A moment earlier

Aurora hopes the magicians are mistaken. After all, she doesn't have anyone to help her with 'it.' She has no idea if she is prepared for it. Giving herself to a stranger is a terrifying thought. Besides, she can feel herself becoming hotter by the second. She goes outside, frustrated with herself.

That's when she bumps and meets a pair of deep purple eyes under the moonlight. It is Duchess Medea. She wears casual clothes, nothing too fancy. Just black pants and a white shirt. Although simple, Aurora could feel her heart skip a beat at sight. She always knows that the head of the Valimos is enchanting. But, since Aurora respected her so much, she never had these dirty thoughts until this night.

Seeing Medea in this state, in her view, is a bad idea. She wants to throw herself at Medea, but her pride prevents her from doing so. The Duchesses are now exchanging stares instead of words. Thus, sexual tension is at an all-time high. Aurora fears she will lose her mind due to this, trembling with so much arousal. Being horny doesn't help her at all; in fact, it makes matters worse! The words seem stuck in her throat, and she only looks at Medea.

"Can you help me, Your Grace?" the blonde gulps loudly, trying to hide her nervousness, when Medea helps Aurora to stand on her feet.

The other Duchess is surprised by Aurora's action before turning back swiftly. Then, with a fast reflex, she holds the blonde's hand. She could feel the hand trembling and Aurora's heavy breathing. Not to mention, her hand is too warm. But, on the other hand, Aurora couldn't lift her face, averting her ruby eyes another way. She is afraid to lose herself and do anything she regrets later on.

"Are you all right?" Medea's voice is so soothingly gentle that it doesn't even help with Aurora.

"Oh God, don't use that tone to me," Aurora closes her eyes tightly.

Her worst nightmare has come true when Medea, to her horror, raises her face, prompting her eyes to reopen. Aurora could tell her ruby eyes had darkened due to lust and desire. The desire to let go, to be touched and vice versa grows stronger.

Yet, this action draws confusion in Medea's face on how weird and flush Aurora's face is. However, the ruby eyes now look different before she closes them, adding to her confusion.

Aurora asks, "Can you please leave?" slapping Medea's hand away from her face.

She needs Duchess Valimos to leave before her lust takes over. Medea appears surprised, but she is a strong-headed woman. She will not give up until she understands what is going on. Aurora's face is as red as it has ever been. Her intuition kicks in, sensing something is wrong when Aurora tries to walk away again.

Aurora immediately whimpers when the Duchess of Valimos touches her, pulling the blonde woman towards herself.

"Something is going on here," the amethyst eyes narrow on the ruby ones.

"Explain to me what happened when I was away. Don't you dare to tell me you're fine when I know you're not," Medea warns Aurora.

Aurora gives up and tells Medea everything about the fusion power because she is too bothered and tired of the heat. She is embarrassed right now, hoping to drown in the sea of misery and die there rather than be here. She doesn't want to appear weak and vulnerable in front of Medea.

"You now understand why. Leave right away as I am truly ashamed of myself," Aurora walks over to her room, perplexing Medea.

Aurora stumbles as she walks away, feeling the heat accelerate, even more, pumping in her body. On the way, she runs into Princess Isis. Why is she running into so many people today?

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