Chapter 85 : The Nightmare Begins

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The Duchess of Light places her hand on the handrails, leaning her body slightly forward, letting her eyes roam at the Smith's manor ambience. Feeling each of her cells gasp for air, she leaves everyone and her work, needing some time to be alone. She is never someone that expresses her feelings well in the first place.

Although she is in crisis or wrath, Natalie would always distance herself, locking her away from people. The blonde woman hates the most to feel vulnerable, baring naked for letting her emotions emerge from her chest. So Natalie instead sinks into the dark hole rather than telling people how she feels. She knows she will break down, letting out the bottle of her feelings, but still, she will do it until that point.

The ruby eyes blacked out its vision from the sight, grabbing hard on the handrails. Natalie's mind races from one incident to another, thinking hard to overturn the situation. Ares is cunning, and so are they. Every time they or he attacks, they always have ways to retaliate against each other.

Whereas, something screamed at herself, her inner demon asking for a way to make Ares stuck in his brain, paralysing him and taking revenge in the most complex form. It really doesn't take much effort to kill Ares there. She could simply stop the time, torturing the man to death until he begs her to die. But, it doesn't change anything.

If she takes down another demon, there will always be another monster that arises. In short, they live in among demons disguised as humans. Though, of course, Natalie isn't a saint either, so why would she care? Yet, something about killing Ares in that way doesn't change anything.

First, the other revolutionaries would show up, and the Empire will be in a crumble. The Emperor was left with no heir or relatives that could strengthen their power on overtaking the throne. Even if Medea takes it now, people would be against it, villainising her for ending Angelos's direct descendant and unaware of his evil doings.

Second, it will cause a domino effect. If Angelos started to weaken, there would be a war between Angelos and its territory. Not to mention Luicasha, Ilemia will be among those who thirst for the Angelos' blood. War is never a beautiful memory, to begin with. People would suffer, wailing in pain, and the death will continue to haunt them for the rest of their life.

Third, Medea's reign would be unstable, filled with her trying to keep the rebellions out of control rather than making the Empire prospers than before. It is a nuisance thinking they are wasting her true potential, the Empire and her time over such things.

Every move now will be a consequence that they have to pay.

"What are you thinking so hard, my Queen?" the familiar scent started making Natalie feel dizzy in a good way as the strong arms wrapped around her waist, hugging her from behind.

"About everything," the blonde said, looking down and putting her hands around Medea's hand that was the secure wrap around her stomach.

Medea lets her hand go, twisting the other woman's body to face her, causing Natalie to tilt her head in confusion. She leans down, placing her lips on Natalie's forehead, leaving a gentle yet firm kiss. Then, the amethyst eyes flash a smile to the ruby ones before letting her hand tucking a strand of the golden hair behind.

"You need not worry. We will be fi--" before Medea could even finish her words, an arrow lands on her back, penetrating the heart and letting the red liquid flows fiercely behind.

The ruby eyes scream in fear, holding her Medea's back instinctively, feeling the back drench with blood. Her lips tremble, open and close, failing to bear any words. She can see life slipping away from the amethyst eyes as her eyes roam wildly, searching for the perpetrator.

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