Chapter 12 : Different Beliefs

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The Crassore Empire's celebration is an outlandish occasion. With the parade filling the streets of the capital, the music and laughter of the Angelos people fill the air. People genuinely enjoy the event. The Empire also provides three days of free food to all citizens in the capitals. It brings the vendors almost out of food, but they recover quickly.

The House of Valimos and Smith is filled with conflicting emotions. If the Duchess marries the Crown Princess, they may have left the Empire or even been fired. Medea and Natalie are frustrated because they don't know what to do. They consider assassinating the Crown Princess, but it is not as simple as that. For some reason, the Marquess is agitated. Because Medea will be married if the Crown Princess chooses her.

"Lady Medea will leave the Angelos Empire if she will be wed to the Crown Princess. Not only that, her revenge will be unfinished," the Marquess massages the temple of his head.

Aurora had even thought that it was incredibly disrespectful of the Imperial Family to 'sell' them both to the Crassore for them to have bilateral ties. Perhaps the Imperial order is absolute in this world. But this has gone too far. After a long day at work, the blonde woman sits on her couch and takes a deep breath. What else was she going to have to work on?

"I have some information about the Crassore Empire, Your Grace. We've discovered that the Crassore is targeting our Northeastern mines. We manage to capture the mole to know their motives," after Apollo finishes his words, the Duchess remains silent.

"What is it that in the Smith's mines that the Crassore targets on?"

"I will meet him tonight. Prepare the horse for me to ride," the Duchess ordered after thinking.

Apollo immediately bows and continues to execute Natalie's order. What a pain in the arse. Tomorrow is also the day the Crown Princess will meet her. Mostly even have dinner with the Duchess. Her servants have even prepared for her dress on that occasion. A long sigh comes from the woman before she gets up and continues to do her usual work. Another day, another piece.

The clock has struck midnight. Eryx appeared unexpectedly before the Duchess could even mount her horse. Natalie will be alone with him for the first time. She couldn't help but be wary of his presence. Because of his stature, he could be mistaken for a knight rather than a cardinal. The combination of red eyes and red hair is enticing enough for people to focus solely on him.

"What a great chance to run into one of the most righteous characters here," Aurora truly hoped she would get out from here immediately.

The Duchess of Light still has another work to do instead of appreciating God's creation, the Cardinal, for his appearance. Well, the people around her are so captivating and attractive. Being around them feels intimidating sometimes, but Natalie knows she doesn't even lack in that area. So rather than that, she adapts to that feeling and gets used to it.

"Duchess Smith, may we converse?" the Cardinal opens the conversation.

"Your Eminence, we can certainly do so," the blonde woman wants to finish the conversation as soon as possible.

"The Crassore Empire has requested a blessing from the Temple for the House of Smith," Natalie looks at the Cardinal's face with a blank face.

The blonde woman still does not get the message behind that statement. She furrows her brows with a slight confusion face. Finally, frustrated at Natalie's reaction, the Cardinal speaks again.

"This indicates that the Crassore Empire will choose you as the future Crown Princess's bride," the Cardinal knows this visit is rigged in the first place by choosing between Valimos and Smith while they have made up their mind.

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