Chapter 62 : I Love You Too Early, You Love Me Too Late

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"Pardon me?" Natalie asks.

"So, from the first one, I am Natalie but Aurora simultaneously because technically the same people. And now what? Medea summons me back here? That's what happens, right?" the Duchess of Light is trying to make sense of anything.

"Why would she summons me back?" Natalie is overwhelmed by every piece of information, just like Anastasia expected.

Without words, Anastasia knows about this, getting closer to Natalie and taking her hand in hers.

"You were saying you have a dream that is not even from your memory. So you know the answer to that question," Anastasia said in a soft voice, trying to calm down the woman.

"Hopefully, we will be happy together next time," Medea's voice echoes through her mind.

The last words she said before she returned the time.

"So she has feelings for me that time," Natalie concludes in a low voice.

With a slight hum, Anastasia nods her head in agreement. There is no denying the fact that Medea once loved her deeply. Certainly, Natalie could never have imagined that Medea would reverse time to make her happy and love her again. But the circumstances just won't allow it right now. In short, they are star-cross lovers trope in the past.

They love each other at the wrong time. Natalie loves Medea too early, while Medea loves her too late. Fate really plays around them this time.

The younger woman chuckles in disbelief. So Medea Andreas Valimos, a woman full of unexpected things, the poison ivy of the Empire, would do that just to resurrect her back after getting the throne in the past.

"Although she never says it, she loves you. I remember the time she killed all those people you caught most horrendously. She literally went insane," Anastasia continues.

"She loved me," Natalie corrects Anastasia.

"Excuse me?" Anastasia widens her eyes.

"Medea doesn't remember everything. She lost all of her memories in the past. So she loved me, not loves," Natalie said, slightly bitter.

"So only both of us remember everything?" Natalie could only nod at the question.

"What do you mean by she doesn't remember everything?" the younger one lets out a heavy sigh, looking at the woman.

"She knows me as Aurora, not Natalie. Because I thought at that time, I come from another world and jump into this body."

"It's not like you don't know about the consequences of reviving back the time anyway," Natalie plays it cool, but Anastasia knows how much her heart shreds into pieces right now.

Both women sit silent as Natalie rests a bit before returning to another place again. Anastasia doesn't know what to do or what to say to Natalie. In the end, she couldn't make anything right for this woman. She is in despair again, not like she expected to. Living too many years makes you be a fool rather than wise sometimes. This is the living proof in front of her.

"Where are you going?" Anastasia asks, watching the younger woman stands up and fix her usual black clothes again.

"To Medea. I want to make sure she is fine after the event earlier," she speaks fast, motioning her hand to teleport.

"What event?" Anastasia's eyes are on the younger woman who reaches over the red roses on the table.

"I'll tell you later," Natalie steps and vanishes into thin air.

"You are still in love with her," Anastasia said in her mind.

The Duchess of Light finally reaches the usual place she visits almost every night. She turns around to find a particular woman, but she is nowhere in her room. So then, the blonde woman walks around the room, tracing her fingertips with the furniture around it. How did it not change after all these years, as they were also kids in the past?

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