Chapter 86 : Destroying Each Other

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Things couldn't get any better for Medea's side. After being clueless that Hera's divine power has moved to Ares, the shadow knights from the Southeast region return to the Imperial Palace, carrying another surprising yet unbelievable news. And here he is, crossing his legs against, resting his hand on the table while the other is on his knees.

"Your Majesty. First, we would like to apologise for our inability to contact the Imperial Palace. Then, however, we discover something that must be double-checked," the leader said, grabbing on his hope for the Emperor to believe this wild information.

"Go ahead," the rough voice simple said, putting his hand under his chin.

"The Smith's knights vanish without a trace that we wander around the Southeast region for more than we intended. However, that day, we saw Duchess Smith in the area, roaming around the place with a man, probably Lord Apollo. Out of a sudden, we saw a dragon coming and attacking them--"

Ares raises his hand to stop the man from talking even further. He removes his hand under his chin, leaning against the chair in a straight posture. The Emperor kinks his eyebrow while his sapphire eyes penetrate the man's soul.

"Did you just say a dragon attacked Natalie and Apollo?" the voice masked with curiosity with the chilling that could make their tongue go numb.

"Yes, Your Majesty," they nod, with determination in their eyes.

"Even if Natalie did go there with Apollo, it took more than two days to go to the Southeast. Even the finest rider within the Empire would take almost two days," Ares remains sceptical, but he intends to hear this more.

It does sound insane to think about that. What is even crazier is that the shadow knights look firmly believe that.

"Then, how come Natalie is alive and well now?" the hairs from the back of their neck stand up from the question alone.

They are afraid that the Emperor will be wrath for this following information.

"It's hard to believe, but Duchess Natalie is a magician. She used her magic powers to tame the dragon in her hand. We witness it with our own eyes. She can cast fire and ice while fighting with the dragon," Ares moves his hand on his mouth, pressing it against the side of his mouth.

Suddenly, the sounds of the rough laughter fill in the room, feeling Ares forces his laugh over such information. He slams his hand on the table, forming a fist on his hand, shaking the other things on it. He cocks his head to the side, letting a grin that is enough to plant an enormous fear in their heart.

"Are you expecting me to believe that?" his sapphire eyes washes in wrath.

They want to prove they are correct, so with desperation scratching on the surface to tell the truth, they put out reasonable reasons about it.

"Let us elaborate our explanations in detail, Your Majesty."

Then, the sapphire eyes show nothing to read or understand, while his face remains in stone mode.

"It better be a good explanation," he nods, watching them with a hostile gaze.

"Remember the day of Your Majesty's engagement day suddenly lit up in a fire? It turns out that it was Duchess Natalie's doing all along, mimicking the Guardian Deity's," the leader nods, telling the other to hand out something that looks like a stone to the Emperor.

"What is this?" Ares' thumb touches it lightly.

"Please, press your hand twice on the soft part," he said respectfully.

Ares grazes his thumb, searching for the soft part before doing what the leader had said earlier. That's when he almost throws the stone across the room, hearing the same thundering and blasting sounds that day, as well as the distorted voice with the clear voices that he listened to that day.

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