Chapter 35 : Another day, Another Trial for Duchess Natalie

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Their carriages are hit again, and another ambush attack targets Princess Isis, severely injuring her. On the other side, Hera was confined in her basement after Ares warned her that assassins would target her, causing her to lose contact with the outside world. Thus, Medea's side has reached a dead end. They can't bring in the injured Isis without risking Natalie's death at Ares' hands.

Worse yet, Ares would behead her in front of the Empire's people! Fully aware that their hands are tight now, they hide in Medea's secret state, where their knights await them. The knights had no way of getting help from the others! Thus, with Prince Ares's decree, they are ambushed by the Imperial Knight that day.

Duchess Medea, Marquess Hector and Lord Apollo try to fight the Imperial Knights despite the risks of being associated with the traitor. Duchess Smith looks at Isis in the other room, not having any choice but to come out to save her. But, her bad state needs to be treated immediately. So, she surrenders to the Imperial Knights.

"I'll come with you," she finally emerged herself in between them.

Duchess Medea feels helpless as she needs to be in an act for being in a feud with Duchess Natalie. She hates to be in this situation, but if Natalie surrenders, it will be complicated as everything will be in Ares' hands. She doesn't want to lose against him, not when she already lost her nanny because of his evil scheme. Although, hypothetically, the one who has blood on his hand is Duke Lucinius himself.

"I have been taking orders from the Imperial Highness to deliver the Duchess and Princess Isis myself. You touch her right now, I'll not hesitate to take off your head," Duchess Valimos glowering at them.

Medea addresses the knights' leader as they look around to see two of the Empire's best knights holding their stances, ready to draw their swords. Their eyes are starving for blood, waiting for Medea's cue to end their lives.

"It's Marquess Hector and Lord Apollo!"

"We wouldn't stand a chance against them."

"What exactly do you mean when you say we wouldn't stand a chance against them?"

"Are you insane? They are both the Empire's best knights!"

"Even the Marquess himself led our last war with minimal casualties!"

The realisation hit him as he realised the person standing before them was the Hero of the Empire. Marquess Hector was notorious for his brutality on the battlefield. The one who stands next to him is Lord Apollo, the Smith's knights' leader. One of the nobles' most distinguished knights. The Smith is well-known for its restrictive selection of knights. So if this guy becomes the leader of the knights, it can only mean one thing: he was born with swords.

However, there is an Imperial order against them. In the end, they would have died from either hand. As the Imperial Knights, it would be acceptable to die with honour against them under the name of the Emperor and the Crown Prince.

"It is an Imperial Order against all. If you try to stop us, you will be charged with treason!" what a cliche move.

"It is up to the Crown Prince to charge me with the offences. What are you knights capable of doing against me?" she gives them a smirk, taunting at their weak position to do anything against her, Duchess of the Empire, the noblest among nobles.

"Or since I'm in a generous mood right now. Why don't you follow us to the capital to bring the two of them? "the Duchess suggests, but more like an order to the Imperial Knights.

She cannot risk Natalie being assassinated by the knights before arriving in the capital. Ares must have given them more orders.

"No, Prince Ares has ordered that only we bring the criminal to him," he said, slowly approaching the Duchess and handing over a decree.

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