Chapter 38 : Wild Thoughts, Wild Choice

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The figure began to see Duchess Anastasia once more. The blonde woman grows tired of it, but she has no control over it. Technically, she does, but that isn't the point. They must let it go and move on from what happened.

"I told you we couldn't do it! What in the world makes you think you don't understand the phrase "we can't do it"?"

"You can't or won't?" the figure asks, their voice laced with a hint of anger and frustration mixed together.

"Both! It's her choice, and she must have a reason," fury twisted inside Anastasia.

The figure stands there, staring at Anastasia, probably thinking of a million ways to persuade her to do whatever he wants. Aurora, for some reason, can't see his face; he appears to be both a man and a woman at times. Should she refer to the figure as they?

"I can't live without her!" they exclaim loudly, causing the Duchess to laugh while shaking her head in mistrust.

Anastasia approaches them, leans in to examine each of their features, and whispers, "You're breathing fine now, so you're not dead." Anastasia remarked humorously.

They come up behind Anastasia and grab her neck. Aurora could feel the air becoming tense as their breaths became heavier. Anastasia, on the other hand, appears fearless. As if she's staring death in the face. They close their eyes and exhale a few times to get their breathing back to normal.

"It's fine if you can't bring her back. I'll find another way," they let her go as their steps left Anastasia.

Whatever it is, Anastasia doesn't feel right about it.

Everything has changed since they received the letter, and they now understand everything. Their wounds began to resurface, and they couldn't believe it. They've been in affliction every day, thinking about the love of their lives. So, the case that had been buried for ten years has been reopened. They discover anyone who is involved but manage to flee after the revolution. Almost every house was broken into, confiscated, and burned down. The smell of ashes fills the air as these people cower in fear whenever they see the figure.

Not everyone, including their closest friends, agrees with how they solve problems, but they are unstoppable. Their eyes bulge with guilt, hatred, and rage, ready to burst at any moment. After a thorough investigation, they show no mercy to these individuals, seeing only black and white. They kill them after torturing them in every way possible. The more they beg to die until they have no desire to live, the more they plague those individuals. Even their knights don't have enough hearts to look at them without feeling sick.

Some have their eyes gouged out while they are still alive, while others have their hand intact at their leg and vice versa. Some are severed limbs, while others are burned with acid. They drive them insane, just as they did when they lost her. It's all due to these men's greed and selfishness.

Aurora gets nauseous when she looks at those almost-living corpses and tries to keep her mouth shut. It's a massacre, and the blonde has no idea why they've done it. What is the story behind the letter? What letter do they want to talk about? From where did it come? What does the letter really say?

They walk back into the room, dragging a familiar man Aurora has seen before. She saw this man somewhere but can't recall. So they carry him to a secluded location while Aurora is ransacking her brain. As blood drenches his clothes, the man whimpers loudly. He continued to whine, tears streaming down his cheeks, while dread had been growing in him all day. Finally, they approach him as he moves away from them, backing away. They are, however, faster than him and would be in front of him in no time. They reach out a hand to touch his chin.

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