Chapter 58 : The Oppression

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Before the horrible tragedy.

Medea sips on her tea, reading another book about swapping souls right now. The Smiths are the last remaining noble family that staunchly backed the Imperial Family. However, her mind drifts off to Aurora. Why does her instinct loudly say that Aurora is the same as Natalie? It has been the same thing over and over again.

After a while, there's a knock on the window. Rather than its gentleness, it sounds in a rush, almost breaking the glass.

"You sound rushed, Hector," Medea said.

The man didn't utter anything, walking to calm his nerves. It shouldn't be conveyed in a rush manner. He doesn't know how Medea will act, so he should tell the story in the most relaxed and calm as possible.

"Before I tell you anything, please refrain from yourself. If you cannot, you can hit me, my Lady," the man said, holding Medea's hand.

"Go on."

"Hera. Prince Ares apprehended Hera for killing the Empress. She is currently being hauled to the Imperial's dungeon," Hector says in a single breath.

Medea abruptly stops everything, including the rhythm of her breathing. As the unexpected news hit her, she momentarily lost her ability to breathe. She feels anger but knows she must keep it together.

"How?" Her voice quivers on that.

"She was caught when the Empress lying on the ground with a blade in her hand," Hector said, brushing his thumb over her hand.

Medea retracts her hand, getting on her feet, as she takes it to the table. She slams the table with all her might, shaking the pen holder.

"Ares!" She thought in her mind.

Two figures emerge in her room, revealing the other Duchess and her aide. Aurora notices a spike in room temperature, which she attributes primarily to Medea's presence. She looks over to see Hector look at both of them with an unreadable expression. Duchess Valimos walks over to the balcony, leaving the other dumbfounded.

Duchess Natalie points to the chair and internally signals for Apollo to sit with her. After a while, Medea still doesn't come inside. They fill with thoughts on how to save Hera. Ares could have done anything right now. The sacred relic! After feeling everything subside down a little, Aurora takes courage, approaching the lioness, who is fuming in anger.

The blonde woman takes her steps lightly, not wanting to handle the situation over the edge again. She notices how the veins pop out from Medea's hand, gripping the thing. The woman's jaws clench to forbid her from screaming in frustration. If Hera died as well-- No, she can't think about that.

Aurora slowly approaches the woman, extending her hand to touch Medea's shoulder slightly. The Valimos woman reacts aggressively, snarling at her while pushing her nails deeper into Aurora's body. However, Aurora couldn't care less about it. Strangely, she gets a glimpse of what Medea would be thinking now. So, she extends her hand, slightly whimpering from the pain.

She carries Medea's cheeks, looking at her softly.

A realisation hits Medea as she pulls back and grips the balcony handrail again until her knuckles turn white. Duchess Valimos turns around, not uttering any words. Instead, she looks at the moon that is almost not visible from the clouds, causing the night seems so gloomy. Just like their situation now.

The golden-haired woman keeps her sight on Medea's hand, extending her hand to touch hers. She had no idea what she supposes to say at the moment. However, Aurora knows Hera is an essential person in Medea's life. Losing her would be uncontrollable devastation for the woman, although she won't admit it. Possibly in denial.

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