Chapter 63 : This Woman is a Lunatic

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An Imperial carriage comes, marching its way to the noblest House within the Empire, the House of Valimos. Although the Imperial carriage looks flashy with extravagant jewellery to carry on, it indeed looks fresh and comes out of the fairytale story.

A story where the Prince comes from fighting with the wrong people, coming back home to meet his Princess and marry her. Therefore, they are happily married, blessed with kids and happily ever after.

The reality, however, is very different. Some members of the House of Valimos are overjoyed that their Duchess will soon be crowned Empress, while others are not so thrilled about the prospect. Keira is familiar with the circumstance and the Duchess's likely response. As a front for the Imperial Family's abuse of power to force a woman into marriage, the marriage is merely a formality.

The one who is about to be engaged soon, Duchess Medea, feels stuck in between. However, to be by Ares' side makes her skin crawl. Maybe she can strengthen her power to be the Crown Princess, but that also leads her to be under Ares' feet. Unlike now.

For once, the memories from the past push back in her mind, where she felt hopeless under Duke Lucinius' feet when she was his mere daughter.

Lord Eli notices that the uneasiness comes from his little sister. He never fond of Ares in the first place, as Medea also be coerced to engage with him.

"You look beautiful today, Medea," Ares' voice emerges from the door as he walks over to meet the woman sitting across the couch.

His voice alone can make Medea nauseous about how much lunacy this man can create. The fact that he used the Emperor to cover up his action and not be found out by the people he loves her is astonishingly hideous. He approaches Medea as his shoes click down the floor, extending his hand to her as a courtesy.

With no choice, the Duchess extends her hand, watching his lips touch the back of the hand.

"Isn't this something you waiting for? To be my future Empress?" he brushes his fingertips on Medea's cheeks.

The amethyst eyes look at him with an unreadable expression as Medea turns to put on her act mode, pulling the corner of her mouth to smile. Instead, however, all she could let out was a smirk.

"Your Highness does impress me with all of this. I am thrilled," Medea said.

Ares sits next to her, pulling her to his side. Medea leans against his side, putting her head against his chest. She could listen to his heartbeat, wanting to make it stop soon.

"Which one do you like the most?" he asks, stroking Medea's purple hair with his hand.

"Out of all them, I would say the way you trap that woman and how she runs away like a peasant," Medea lets out a chuckle.

"I am truly delighted you like my first gift to you," he said.

As Ares is about to talk again, a knock comes from the door as Julius enters. They should return to the Imperial Palace and meet with someone to organise their engagement ceremony and meet with Emperor Atticus.

As the Emperor rushes it to be quick, it will be held in less than three weeks. It would be relatively hassle to invite some nobles from the countryside and a few from the other nations under the Empire.

"Shall we go then, Medea?" Ares stands up, extending his hand to Medea.

The Duchess takes his hand as they continue to begin their journey back to the Imperial Palace. The journey feels so long and short at the same time for Medea. She comes out from the carriage, only to find the Imperial servants waiting on the side to greet her. If it's in the past, she would be delighted with this treatment, but this time she despises it to the core when it comes from Ares.

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