Chapter 55 : Burning Feeling in My Heart

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In her sleep, Aurora has more dreams about the mysterious figure. The only difference is that this time she sees the figure at their workplace, where they are lightly touching a piece of paper that resembles a letter with their fingertips. Their eyes fill with conflict as they finally realise the letter is within their drawer all the time. It slipped their mind about the letter because of the many disagreements that had occurred in the past.

The figure finally opens the letter, folding it upward to read its content. Aurora goes to their side, stretching her neck to see it.

Dear love,

My heart, my life and my soul. By the time this letter reaches your hand, I will probably be gone forever. I am sorry for not being by your side in this life, although my heart aches that it would burst from the excitement whenever I think about it. I am sorry for hurting you. I am sorry for not noticing how much you are in pain. I am sorry for everything.

However, we both know that the longer this muddy fight gets involved, the more people will die. A sacrifice is needed for all of this to end, my love. As much as you and I want to deny that, we cannot defy reality. My apologies for the destruction that I've caused. I am blinded by rage, corrupted by revenge. I know the source of my pain and directed at the wrong person all this time, but now, I have to end some loose ties for you.

Consider it my gift for you to reach your purpose. Before that, in the following pages, it is my final gift for you. I know you will do it well, my love. Don't dwell too much on sadness. I hope you will live happily after this, as I would be happy up there watching over you. Last but not least, I love you. Forever and always.


Natalie Wilson Smith.

Before the figure could even realise, there was already a waterfall in their eyes. Their hands tremble, closing the letter again. They reach for the lamp beside, smashing it down to the ground. Blood dripping from their hand as the wounds look deep. It hurts, but not so much compared to their heart. Aurora witnesses all this thing and feels a drop of tears on her cheeks, not knowing why she empathises with the figure.

A drop fell off, followed by heavy rain on her cheeks.

"Auro-- Aurora?" a slightly rough hand touches the woman's cheek softly, as if not wanting to break Aurora.

The ruby eyes flash open, meeting with the amethyst eyes fill with concern. Aurora can feel her runny nose as something wet on her face. Did she just cry?

"Why are you crying?" Medea looks at her, wiping away Aurora's tears.

"I had a dream."

"A dream?" her brows raise, asking Aurora to elaborate more.

"Yes. It's about--" before Aurora could even finish, there is a knock on the window, and Medea gets up to check it out.

The blonde gets up, trying to make sense of the dream, especially about the letter. The figure remains mysterious, but the more Aurora thinks, the more it seems Medea is in that dream. But how? And why? She has so many questions that she doesn't notice the other purple eyes staring at her venomously.

"Hector," Medea voices, pulling both figures out of their thoughts.

"Lady Medea," Hector lets out his dazzling smile around Medea, with his eyes almost close from so much happiness.

Aurora looks at him with sleepy eyes once again as she feels the exhaustion takes its toll on her again. So, the blonde woman leans back, closing her eyes while the other two figures do whatever they are doing. However, the ruby eyes open again as soon as she hears Hector's giggling over Medea, where they both converse.

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