Chapter 20 : Love Stories

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After returning to the manor, the servants notice the tension in the air around the Duchess of Light. Even though she always has a blank expression on her face, they know something is wrong with her.

"I didn't have to guess, but for sure, the Duchesses got into a heated argument just now," Lord Apollo thought internally, as they are both hard-headed in the first place.

The maids prepare Natalie's bath to prepare for her date with Princess Isis. She would have completely forgotten about it if Lord Apollo had mentioned the occasion. The Duchess of Light is too preoccupied with her anger. A nice bath would help and the date too. But the date makes her nervous because she detests talking to strangers. Even as Aurora in the other world, she only dates once, which is too exhausting to start over again.

The Duchess of Light emerges from her bath, dressed in a black silk robe. Her date dress is already waiting for her around the corner. She walks over to the chair where some maids are putting on makeup for the Duchess. It will be a long process, and she despises every minute. Regardless, it would be impolite to disregard her maids' efforts to make her look good.

"I shouldn't lash out my anger at another person," Aurora shakes out from her rage, focusing on her next move.

So when the Duchess appears to be more at ease, the servants are overjoyed. At the very least, the atmosphere is more relaxed, and they can get their work done without distraction. All the while gazing lovingly at their Lady, they go about their work with a broad grin on their faces. Since Natalie is not a massive makeup fan, she specifically requested natural makeup styles. 

Let's start with the obvious: Duchess Natalie is stunning. She could look beautiful in anything; even a garbage bag would do.

She finally puts on her day's outfit after God knows how long she has been preparing. Duchess Smith dresses in black bell-sleeved dresses with a golden belt hugging her tiny waist and a golden necklace hanging around her neck, as she is fond of black. Natalie is concentrating on a minimalist look. However, it still appears to be sophisticated.

Finally, she took a deep breath and walked away from Smith's manor to the Imperial Palace, where Princess Isis would be waiting for her.

She sees Princess Isis and the Imperial servants waiting at the main entrance as soon as she enters the Palace. Princess Isis looks elegant as usual, dressed in a black and red suit that coincidentally matches Natalie's outfit. But, of course, this is to be expected when the two of them want to match their clothes to the colours of their eyes.

"Where are we going, Your Highness?" the Duchess of Light asks as she looks at the Crown Princess, who guides her to another carriage.

"I believe there is a place you would love to be," she smiles.

It looks like Isis wants to venture to another place with her. Maybe because she had already had a date with Medea yesterday at the Imperial Palace. Before Natalie feels her mood is about to ruin by Medea again, she turns her attention to Isis once more. Meanwhile, the Crown Princess does not want to ruin this date like yesterday. She is beyond rage when the men insult the Duchesses.

Moreover, Isis could see Medea's veins popping out, trying to control her anger. At first, she looks calm at their remark, as if it is a normal thing she used to face. However, when one of the men insults Natalie, her face is visible enough to hold back her anger. She could not understand it at all. Is it because they have been nemesis as the servants had claimed?

Duchess Natalie does not even inquire about their planned date. Instead, she just stares out the windows at the greenery scene. The Crown Princess wants to start a conversation, but seeing Natalie's expression of admiration for nature prevents her from doing so.

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