Chapter 43 : Aurora's Little Secret

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All eyes are drawn to Natalie and Athena by the commotion. Everyone else was taken aback by Athena's scream and slap, as they were hoping to see some drama. But instead, Athena's head turns to the side, thinking and furious at being hit in public. Not to mention her affair with Harren has been made public.

"What? Lady Athena is the mistress of who?"

"Count Harren."

"The one on the opposition side at Duchess Natalie's trial."

"It is utterly disgraceful for someone like you to spill wine and assault another person in public. It is not what one would expect a Duchess to be like," Athena smiles, wiping up the red wine from her body and dress.

Duchess Natalie takes a step closer to her, but Lady Athena won't budge. Still, Athena is more shameless than she thought. Since Duchess Natalie is taller than the average woman, she easily towers over Lady Athena. So, it looks like she has to look down at the woman.

"Well, do you?"

"Do I what?" Natalie's question makes Athena uncomfortable.

"Act like what you supposed to be? For someone like you?"

"Yes, given that I am more acting noble than a Duchess within the Empire," Athena says with a grin, mocking Natalie.

Duchess Natalie immediately chuckled and flared out in a burst of scornful laughter at the remark. She looks around at the other nobles' faces and notices the familiar purple eyes. So, of course, they're both here. What does she expect?

"If your definition of a noble is a crappy and foul mouth, then I hate to say in front of the people that I am wrong, and you are right," nobles snicker at the remarks, causing Athena to clench her fists.

"Given how you speak, it's no surprise you've had no suitors up to this point. When will you find your husband now that you're 21 years old? How silly am I? You are probably heartbroken since Princess Isis has left the capital," it is Athena's turn to laugh, followed by the nobles.

"I have no intention to get dragged with this muddy fight, but there's something about her words in that cheap woman exasperated me."

"Nah, I don't need a man to validate me as a good woman, unlike you, who even stoop low playing with someone's spouse," Natalie brushes off some of the wine from Athena.

Athena's hands are quivering with anger as she prepares to slap the blonde woman across the face. It's humiliating! She keeps staring at the ruby eyes taunting her, which she despises the most since it brings back memories for her.

Lady Athena has always envied Duchess Natalie. Her ex-lover is madly in love with the blonde woman, but she is only attracted to Ares. Or so people thought. People had no idea there was someone else between them, as the real Natalie had another intention of doing so.

Besides, it is well known that Duchess Natalie is not on good terms with Duchess Medea. Lady Athena, like Lady Esmeralda, has tried to trample on Duchess Natalie in the past to gain Medea's favour, but the blonde woman would always gain the upper hand. Just like today.

"I can say the same for someone who has been following someone's fiancé around all the time," Athena responded.

"I mean-- Fuck Natalie," Aurora curses at Natalie.

Athena is implying in her rumour about being a lovesick puppy to Ares. She doesn't want to go down by herself. So that's why she brings up Ares.

"Well, it's not wrong in any case."

"This is interesting to watch."

"I understand you don't know about the work ethic that people need to meet and discuss with each other, seeing that you clutch yourself on someone's toy to support you," Natalie lets her lips curl inward, forming a sad expression.

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