Chapter 93 : Make Noise in the East, then Strike in the West

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The sound from the Emperor's office, where the bell that sat tight for a few decades has been ringing, alerting the sapphire eyes about something. The enemy finds out about the secret tunnel!

"Immobilise the Imperial Knights to ambush the enemy at the Imperial Hall and Kitchen now! Intruders are coming our way!" the Emperor growls to the leader.

When bringing the sacred Imperial orders, the Imperial Knights carry out the orders at lightning speed. Before they departed to the place, their leaders asked the Emperor of Angelos, Ares.

"What are Your Majesty's orders about the intruders?"

In a chilling voice, his sapphire eyes darken, and he says, "Blow up the tunnels. Then, if some manage to escape alive, behead all of them, and throw their heads outside the Imperial Gate. Let it be their reminder for them to what will become if they are in our hands."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the Imperial Knights grab the black powder and some torch to ignite it later.

Two Imperial Knights come to separate places, holding a small bag of black powder, pulling out the rope, and letting it shower on the secret tunnel entrance. However, some of them managed to emerge before they could blow it up. The knights come, fighting against the Imperial, with everything they have. Since the Imperial Knights are too many, the knights are outnumbered, and it is time for them to surrender.

Regardless, their motivation is blazing, vowing never to yield to the enemies. Finally, one of the Imperial Knights manages to throw fire inside the tunnel, collapsing it and burying the remaining Natalie's side in the ground. Some that tend to slip away continue their fight, but that's changed when the Imperial Knight gains the upper hand, slaughters some of them on the neck, rolling their fellow's head merciless.

"This is a lunacy!"

The knights fight until the end, but they already know what's coming. The least they could do was to fewer the enemies for the other team. Finally, after a few minutes, the massacre in Imperial Hall ends, with their heads lying on the floor, like countless balls from afar. Their blood stains the carpet and the place in total.

The leader turns his head slightly to his subordinates, carrying out the following order from Ares, "Bring those peasant heads to the Gate and toss them out so that the remaining foes on the outskirts will observe!"

The team led by Medea in the Imperial Kitchen manages to get in faster by the hair when the Imperial Knights come over, by Medea setting them off with another ambush. The Duchess notices the small bag, sliding in among the battle to target the knight holding it. She has a hunch that it is a black powder, and Ares wants to blow it up.

"It must be the black powder!"

Duchess Valimos tackles the knight as he trips over while her hand swiftly gets it without him noticing. Experiencing the same crisis as the Imperial Hall's team, the Imperial Knights swarm over to their side, fighting against them. The stacks against them, but Medea won't allow that to happen.

"Do not harm the servants!" Medea yells, warning not to touch the innocent one in this battle.

The Duchess holds onto the small bag, putting it on her side, then continue to fight, dodging the attacks from people. The Imperial Knights are bewildered by the sudden appearance and how she is still alive all this time. However, what even throw them off is her swordsmanship is so fine. Like the finest within the Empire, that remind them of Marquess Alwyn, the Hero of Empire.

The Imperial Knights and additional team were defeated at last at the Imperial Kitchen by Medea. She immediately ordered them to be tied while she looked at the tunnel that collapsed during the fight. A knight manages to blow it up with different black powder. It means they are alone with the other team now. Her chest rises up and down, and they cannot avoid bloodshed even if they want to. The enemy leaves them with no choice but to fight back at the critical moment.

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